16 qUALITIES – Maryada Purshottam SHRIRAM

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Shri Ram ji is a symbol of the victory of right over the evil. Lord Rama characterizes how a man should fulfill his moral commitments and should strictly follow his limits so that social order can be maintained. It is precisely due to this fact, he is known as “Marayada Puroshattam” or “The man of limits.(perfect man) Lord Rama, in the words of Swami Vivekananda, is “the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband and above all, the ideal king”

श्री राम जी बुराई पर अधिकार की जीत के प्रतीक हैं। भगवान राम का वर्णन है कि कैसे एक व्यक्ति को अपनी नैतिक प्रतिबद्धताओं को पूरा करना चाहिए और अपनी सीमाओं का सख्ती से पालन करना चाहिए ताकि सामाजिक व्यवस्था को बनाए रखा जा सके। यह ठीक इसी तथ्य के कारण है, उन्हें "मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम" या "सीमा के व्यक्ति" के रूप में जाना जाता है। स्वामी विवेकानंद के शब्दों में भगवान राम, "सत्य के अवतार, नैतिकता के आदर्श पुत्र हैं। आदर्श पति और सबसे बढ़कर आदर्श राजा”

Bhagwant Rama exemplified the perfect person; he embodied the divine on Earth, and he taught us how to live our lives in accordance with dharma and divine principles. Bhagwan Rama was the embodiment of compassion, gentleness, kindness, righteousness and integrity. Although he had all the power in the world, he still was peaceful and gentle.

भगवान राम ने आदर्श व्यक्ति का उदाहरण दिया; उन्होंने पृथ्वी पर परमात्मा का अवतार लिया, और उन्होंने हमें सिखाया कि धर्म और दिव्य सिद्धांतों के अनुसार अपना जीवन कैसे जीना है। भगवान राम करुणा, नम्रता, दया, धार्मिकता और अखंडता के अवतार थे। यद्यपि श्री राम के पास संसार की सारी शक्ति थी, फिर भी वे शांत और सौम्य थे।

Let’s examining the personality traits and actions displayed by Shri Ram as narrated in the Valmiki Ramayana ( reference Bala Kanda 1st Sarga, Sharanagati Shastra or guide to surrender) wherein Sage Valmiki asks Sage Narada to tell about a person, who possess the 16 qualities (1) गुणवान् (2) वीर्यवान् (3) to (5) धर्मज्ञः च कृतज्ञः च सत्य वाक्यो धृढ व्रतः, (6) & (7) चारित्रेण च को युक्तः सर्व भूतेषु को हितः (8) to (10) विद्वान् कः कः समर्थः च कः च एक प्रिय दर्शनः (11) to (14) आत्मवान् को जित क्रोधो द्युतिमान् कः अनसूयकः(15-16) कस्य बिभ्यति देवाः च जात रोषस्य संयुगे

गुणवान् (guṇavān = principled person)

वीर्यवान् (vīryavān = potential one)

धर्मज्ञः (dharmajñaḥ = conscientious)

कृतज्ञः (kṛtajñaḥ = redeemer)

सत्य वाक्यो (satya vākyo = truth-teller)

धृढ व्रतः (dhṛḍha vrataḥ = self-determined in his deed)

चारित्रेण च को युक्तः (cāritreṇa ca ko yuktaḥ = blent with good-conduct)

सर्व भूतेषु को हितः (sarva bhūteṣu ko hitaḥ = benign, in respect of all beings)

विद्वान् (vidvān = adept)

समर्थः (samarthaḥ = ablest)

एक प्रिय दर्शनः (eka priya darśanaḥ = uniquely good-looking)

आत्मवान् (ātmavān = courageous)

जित क्रोधो (jita krodho = one who has controlled his anger)

द्युतिमान् (dyutimān = brilliant one)

अनसूयकः (anasūyakaḥ = not jealous)

बिभ्यति देवाः च जात रोषस्य संयुगे. (kasya bibhyati devāḥ ca jāta roṣasya saṃyuge = even whom do the gods fear, when provoked to war)

Objective of this post is to learn and adopt 16 characters of Shriram ji to enhance personal and spiritual life that is very essential to realize our existence for attain success.

Narand ji explain Valmiki ji 16 qualities of Shriram

First Quality -गुणवान् (guṇavān = principled person) Good qualities like happiness, generosity. Guna means special excellences, which are separate from the ordinary visible qualities,” excellences

Shri Ram ji demonstrated each act as principled person that throughout provides learning opportunity to bring excellence in life. (गुणवान्) means we should always get in every assignment A+ (95% to 100%). to remain in compliance and consistently to achieve the results .. Japan manufacturing process (Six Sigma) which focuses on defects, with a goal of eliminating every mistake by creating systems that either immediately prevent or detect them). Shri Ram ji act was more than six sigma’s !! as we still discuss how one person can execute everything right in different situation without missing a single task adopting the dharma path.

Since early age Shri Ram ji demonstrated generosity to allow his younger brother to win games. He gave his kingdom without even thinking for one second and left for forest with happiness for 14 years. In our life we keep asking more and more wealth that’s results in dissatisfaction and unhappiness in life .Acts of generosity can be found in cities and towns across the world .You don’t need to be wealthy to give generously and, in fact, you don’t need to give money at all but instead, time, caring, or things you already own but give away to do some good for your fellow human. .

8 Keys of Excellence

Integrity -Align our actions with our values. A person of integrity consistently follows a strict code of personal values in a way that demonstrates moral excellence. “Do what you know is right” (hands together then then left up, and right up)

Failure Leads to Success -See failures as feedback. We can learn from mistakes and make the changes needed to be more successful in the future. “Failure (thumbs down) leads to success…Woo Woo” (hands to ceiling)

Speak with Good Purpose -Be positive with our language. When there is a problem, avoid gossip by communicating with the person directly involved. “Speak with good purpose…OK” (Hands like puppets talking to each other)

This is it!Focus our attention on the present moment. Make whatever we are doing at any given time the most important. “Tadaa…This is it

“CommitmentDo what we set out to do. When we live a life of commitment, we have the discipline to follow through with our commitments to others and to ourselves, even when it is challenging. (Pledge: one hand on heart and one in air) “Commitment, I promise to be a finisher”

Ownership Take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Ownership is knowing that we can’t always control what happens, but we can control how we respond. (Big O) “Ownership “I am responsible for me – no excuses” (thumbs to chest → hands flat out)

Flexibility -Change our actions to get the desired outcome. Flexibility allows us multiple ways to get the result. “Flexibility…I solve problems!” (turn into a pretzel)

Balance -To make the choices in our life that provide lasting fulfillment. Inner happiness comes from making choices that fill up our body, mind, and spirit. “Balance your life- make good choices” (balance on one leg)

Conclusion: Shriram ji quality गुणवान् (guṇavān = principled person) provides us insight in his personality how to acquire knowledge that allows us to remain happy by developing act pf generosity that gives us tremendous pleasure for sense of accomplishment in our life. We all come across many individuals like Ratan Tata, Bill Gates and thousands of people who gave so much to community that act as source of encouragement for us for self-improvement.


Second Quality वीर्यवान् (vīryavān = potential one)
Who is vīryavān or one with special power that comes from possessing divine weapons and strength? The excellence by which one defeats the enemies without himself being injured is called Viryam and one who has it is called Viryavan


Sri Rama possessed some qualities by birth and after acquiring mastery over wielding of various weapons, he became invincible. This was seen in many examples in Ramayana where Shri Ram simple looking but with strength and confidence that can’t be measured always moves forward in life to achieve success without any failures .Lets build our inner heart and mind strong to acquire knowledge and skills to always follow good moral values to remain successful . Please do provide additional perspective as each one can corelate our own experiences.

Third Quality -धर्मज्ञः (dharmajñaḥ = conscientious)
Who is dharmajña, or one well-versed in the Vedic and Smrti literature and knows the niceties of religion, philosophy and morality. s a person who knows both the general and special dharmas.

Shri Ram followed Dharma path even though it was very difficult like his father command to leave the kingdom . Sita ji reminded me to allow her to be accompanied to forest saying that’s its wife Dharma to accompany husband .Bharata requested Ram. Reminding that “The eldest son must rule,” Rama refused to go against his father’s command to follow Dharma (promise).

In management terms Conscientiousness is the personality trait of being careful, or diligent. Conscientiousness implies a desire to do a task well, and to take obligations to others seriously. Conscientious people tend to be efficient and organized as opposed to easy-going and disorderly.

We across so much difficult situation if we don’t follow the right path and use short cut to success surely it will be short lived and result in future with severe consequences like we know Bernie Madoff, the former NASDAQ chairman was sentenced to 150 years jail for wrong doing finally died 14 April 2021 .So lets build strong determination to adopt right approach in life.

Comments from Dr. Chandra on use of “Conscientious” and “Consciousness”. two sides of same coin of Dharma

conscientious is used in the realm of phenomenal-Vyavaharic (day to day life) level, performing (duty) or following the Satya (truth), both are two sides of same coin of Dharma,

Consciousness represents the Self and its self reflection on Paramarthika (God awareness) level following the Rita or the Natural Law ( swadharma) at all time and at all places. Here Rama is our Consciousness and his way of life is Conscientious

Both conscientious and Consciousness are like two wings of a bird 🦅 and bird can’t fly with one wing to reach the destination. Rama and Ramayana teaches us not only Bhakti yoga but also Karma Yoga is necessary for the art of living and goal of our life.

Fourth Quality कृतज्ञः (kṛtajñaḥ = redeemer)-

Meaning in Hindi

आभार, कृतज्ञता, धन्यवाद कृतज्ञता एक महान गुण है। कृतज्ञता का अर्थ है अपने प्रति की हुई श्रेष्ठ और उत्कृष्ट सहायता के लिए श्रद्धावान होकर दूसरे व्यक्ति के समक्ष सम्मान प्रद. जीवन एक उपहार है जो कि हमें ईश्वर ने दिया है इसके लिए हमें उसका शुक्रगुजार होना चाहिए। उसे बार-बार आभार व्यक्त करना चाहिए। यही कृतज्ञता का संकेत है .

कृतज्ञता दिव्य प्रकाश है। यह प्रकाश जहां होता है, वहां देवताओं का वास माना जाता है। कृतज्ञता दी हुई सहायता के प्रति आभार प्रकट करने का, श्रद्धा के अर्पण का भाव है। जो दिया है, हम उसके ऋणी हैं, इसकी अभिव्यक्ति ही कृतज्ञता है और अवसर आने पर उसे समुचित रूप से लौटा देना, इस गुण का मूलमंत्र है।इसी एक गुण के बल पर समाज और इंसान में एक सहज संबंध विकसित हो सकता है, भावना और संवेदना का जीवंत वातावरण निर्मित हो सकता है .

कृतघ्नता इसके विपरीत एक आसुरी वृत्तिहै, जो इंसान को इंसानियत से जुदा करती है। कृतघ्न कभी संतुष्ट नहीं हो सकता और वह सुखी भी नहीं हो सकता है। वह सदा अपने प्रति दिए गए सहयोग को संशय की दृष्टि से देखता है और यह जताता है कि उसके प्रति कितना गलत किया गया है। वह सर्वाधिक बुरा उनका करता है, जो उसे सहयोग देने वाले होते हैं। इसकी परिणति होती है कि एक दिन उसके प्रति सभी लोग सहयोग करना बंद कर देते हैं।

हमारी माँ हमारे जीवन की पहली टीचर है जो हममें अच्छे संस्कार डालती है और अच्छे गुणों का विकास करती है। हमें अपनी माँ को भी ‘‘थैंक यू‘‘ जरूर बोलना चाहिए। ठीक उसी प्रकार हमारे टीचर्स जो हमें ज्ञान (knowledge) देते है उन्हें भी हमें आभार व्यक्त करना चाहिए।

Meaning in English
kṛtajthña or one who forgets evil deeds of others and considers even one good deed with much gratefulness. Krtajna is he who considers even a little help rendered by others as great.

This gratitude is well expressed in the Samskrutam word ‘kṛtajña’ – which is being grateful or having gratitude. While being ungrateful is denoted by a similar-sounding word ‘kṛtaghna’ – which is being ungrateful or being an ingrate. So one has to be supremely careful in using these words! Just as we must be very careful in not forgetting a good deed done to us, or else we can just as easily turn from kṛtajñatā to kṛtaghnatā!

In today’s world, be it a joint or a nuclear family, it is only gratitude towards one’s parents, siblings, friends, community, society, and nation, that will sustain us for generations to come. We might not think so, but gratefulness is a quality that should never be overlooked if we would like to raise ourselves in the world. This is what distinguishes us from other humans and raises the bar of civilized behavior. Why is this quality so important? Gratitude which is expressed keeps the wheel of dharma in balance, and moving towards moksha, hence we must all strive to inculcate this highly prized guṇa


Shriram expressed his gratitude to Hanuman ji in Sunderkand Ram ji says Hanuman ji that you did so much for me that I will never able to forget . At same time Hauman ji tells Ram ji that he could do all because of his blessings .
प्रति उपकार करौं का तोरा। सनमुख होइ न सकत मन मोरा।।
सुनु सुत उरिन मैं नाहीं। देखेउँ करि बिचार मन माहीं।।

Shriram ji never forget the help from Nishadraj , Kevat , Sugreev , Vibhisan. In fact Shriram ji himself was very powerful and could have done all the assignment . But its important to learn a great skill to always count on blessings and bring humality by showing our gratitude to people to make happiness in their life and elevate our own thought process .

An example of grateful is how you feel when you are thirsty and someone brings you an icy glass of water.

To remember all the good things that were done to us by others until our last breath, When we are recipients of gifts, good will or some invaluable help or support in one or the other form, we are overcome by a sense of obligation.

Namak halal Vs Namak haram

Back in the time, in middle eastern society, it was considered that if a person consumes salt from someone in any form, especially in the food, the person has to be truly loyal to them. So in broad sense, the word ‘namak‘, which literally translates to ‘salt’, has always been an implication and symbol for the person’s loyalty and fidelity to that someone in return for the favor that person had gained earlier from them.

Now in Persian/Urdu, the word ‘halal‘ means righteous, and ‘haram‘ is just the opposite, ‘something that is morally reprehensible’

So if a person who got a favor from you and in return he stays loyal to you, he will be termed as ‘namak-halal‘. On the other hand, if the person just completely forgets the favor and turns hostile in the future, you can call him ‘namak-haram‘.

Lets never forget anyone has done slight courtesy to us like Namak Halal . I encourage you to read story I loved from my heart. Its worth to invest of 5 minutes “A Doctor Pays It Forward To A Kind Woman Who Once Gave Him A Glass Of Milk .Please check