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Our existence in life is  what we see and learn from our mother and father . We all know God’s presence but many of us has not realized or seen in person God . Its true  father and mother brought us in this world is real  God in our life

माँ बाप ईश्वर का दूसरा रूप होते है। अगर आपके माता-पिता आपसे खुश है तो समझो ईश्वर खुश है

जिंदगी में दो लोगों का ख्याल रखना बहुत जरूरी है, पिता जिसने तुम्हारी जीत के लिए सब कुछ हारा हो, माँ जिसको तुमने हर दुःख में पुकारा हो।

नींद अपनी भुला के सुलाया हमको, आँसू अपने गिरा के हँसाया हमको, दर्द कभी मत देना उन हस्तियों को, ईश्वर ने माँ-बाप बनाया जिनको

Like everyone my dad Shri respected  Ramratan ji Gupta gave all of brother/sister a name that allowed us to get recognition around the world . He thought us giving examples of Ramayan how to  adopt moral values and adopt the success in life . Our ancestor was in  local business and He was first person in entire family to get Law degree and worked very hard each day without any resources to get through education . Many a days he eat one time  but through his dedication and hard work  achieved many distinctions . He accomplish many award ,great social worker , president of many organization and invited many scholars of Ramayana in our town . Most importantly he thought us how to remain united in our life

Jahan sumati tah sampati nana is a great treasure that  my great father had given us.

Jahan Sumati, Tah Sampati Nana ; Jahan Kumati Tah Vipati Nidana”.( जहाँ सुमति तहाँ सम्पति नाना; जहाँ कुमति तहाँ बिपति निदाना

1)”Jahan Sumati, Tah Sampati Nana” means  where is love, affection, friendly attitude, cooperation; there is wealth, Laxmi, prosperity, victory and wellness

(2) “Jahan Kumati Tah Vipati “ means Where is quarrel, hate, unfriendly attitude, non-cooperation; there is poverty, troubles, defeat, illness and many difficulties

Yes united with good thoughts and care for each other is most important. Mutual faith and understanding sharing in every movement of life so that we all would make happy not only to ourselves but also the whole environment

His entire life is an example to learn as he adopted  with Ram ji principle MOVE FORWARD in life  . He gave us and  everyone in our community  everything  through  the generosity , love and compassion 

We all must have done some Punya that we got birth  in family of  respected Ramratan ji as  dad and mom  respected Shrimati kamalrani . Entire family is all liked with them  . During is last days so intelligent that  he wrote his FINAL WILL and  whatever was possible gave to all brother and sister

Sharing some of his letter he wrote 30 years back still relevant today and will remain in future what is difference in patience and power illustrating Ram and Ravan characteristics

 How to live life live lion to give everyone and share rather than attitude like dog

Dad was honor from community for his work although he passed away in 2002 each day he remind us to follow right path in life
My dad Shri respected Ramratan ji

Now some thoughts that I acquired from resources

Father involvement has increased dramatically over the past several decades, and simultaneously, the role of fathers in their families has evolved from conceptions of fathers as distant breadwinners to a more holistic recognition that they are equal co-parents. Accompanying these changes has been a growing interest among researchers in studying the role that fathers play in the lives of their children. Below are some highlights of the current landscape of what the research says about today’s dads.

Fathers, like mothers, are pillars in the development of a child’s emotional well-being. … They also look to their fathers to provide a feeling of security, both physical and emotional. Children want to make their fathers proud, and an involved father promotes inner growth and strength

Fathers are more likely than mothers to tell their children that if they are not nice to others, kids will not want to play with them. … Fathers help children prepare for the reality and harshness of the world. Fathers provide a look at the world of men. Men and women are different.

It’s about being   father consistently available for children through good times and bad. Being personally engaged in our kids’ lives, interests, hopes and dreams on a daily basis. Being curious and attentive requires us to put our distractions to one side. Showing compassion, hope and belief when our child needs it most challenges in or life

A child’s relationship with his/her father can affect the child’s relationships their entire lives. The interactions with Dad will be shape a child’s ideas of who he or she is and how he or she relates to everyone around them. He shapes the range of what your child considers acceptable and loving. Girls will relate to men based on the relationship with her Dad and boys will model themselves after their fathers.

The way fathers play with their children also has an important impact on a child’s emotional and social development. Fathers spend a higher percentage of their one-to-one interactions with infants and preschoolers in stimulating, playful activity than do mothers. From these interactions, children learn how to regulate their feelings and behavior.

Update from Priyesh bhai

पिता स्वर्गः पिता धर्मः पिता परमकं तपः ।
पितरि प्रीतिमापन्ने सर्वाः प्रीयन्ति देवताः ॥

pitā svargaḥ pitā dharmaḥ pitā paramakaṃ tapaḥ ।
pitari prītimāpanne sarvāḥ prīyanti devatāḥ ॥

My Father is my heaven, my father is my dharma, he is the ultimate penance of my life. If he is happy, all deities are pleased.

Mahabharata Shanti Parva

Update from Dr Chandra ji

The history of Father’s Day in western world dates back to 1908 when Sonora Smart Dodd celebrated it to honour her Dad. However, the Father’s Day was first celebrated in USA when hundreds of men lost their their lives in a mining accident on July 1908 in West Virginia. A daughter of a reverend (priestly or clergy class) proposed a Sunday services for all the men, who lost their lives in that mishap.

Few years later, some other daughter by name Sonora Smart Dodd suggested observing Father’s Day in honour of her Dad, William Jackson Smart, a civil war veteran. She started promoting Father’s Day at national level after she completed her education.

Father’s day started getting popularity in USA when president Richard Nixon signed a declaration in the year 1972. Since then, Fathers Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of June. However, Father’s Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries but mostly in the month of June.

Father’s Day is generally celebrated to recognise the unique role of fathers or father figures in our lives from supporting their children financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically to the the position or status of what we are today. Every father by a natural instinct, blesses his children with Devine grace And Dedicated service (that’s why we call D.A.D).

In the Eastern world, the children celebrate (used to do) the Father’s Day saying “ Pitru Devo Bhava” (father as god). Lava and Kusha, the twin children of King Rama honoured their father by singing the glories and sacrifices of their father Sri Rama in Treta Yuga (golden age),

The children of lord Krishna, worshipped their father for all His great Gita teachings in Dwapara Yuga (silver age),

More recently in present Kali Yuga (Iron Age), Jesus Christ honoured his Father in the heavens by spreading his Maha Vakya (great sentence), “ Love Thy Neighbor” as your own father, and Gautama Buddha spread the word “Om Shanti” (Peace) saying that attaining peace of mind is the key for any success or a sense of fulfilment in one’s life.

So let us mark this day to acknowledge and to appreciate the role of fathers who play an important role in our family life and in society at large bringing the sense, that we all belong to one big single global family (Vasudaiva Kutambhakam) for a greater cause of making everyone happy.

Let us celebrate Fathers Day to make them feel better and also special by giving gifts, sending cards, taking them to dinners. In case for whatever reasons, if we can’t do anyone of the above, let us pick up a phone and say few words….
“ Thank you Dad”, “Love you Dad”
with a great loving attitude and with a giving back gratitud

10 qualities of a good dad

Men are playing a more active role in parenting. They don’t just take the role of provider, protector, and disciplinarian in the family.

Today the role of fatherhood has evolved and along with it men are now embracing a whole load of new skills and values.

How do men influence their kid’s development?

By looking at how our kids see us we learn something about ourselves! Primary school kids in the US were asked to describe what makes a good dad. They came up with the following:

  1. “A good dad makes you feel safe”
  2. “A good dad can protect his children from getting hurt”
  3. “A good dad knows how to keep the bad guys away”
  4. “A good dad always listens to Mum”

Here are 10 qualities that are proving significant, in helping our kids grow to be resilient, healthy individuals. In no particular order:

1. Dependability

Being there through thick and thin. This is not just being present and correct. It’s about being consistently available for our kids through good times and bad.

2. Involvement

Being personally engaged in our kids’ lives, interests, hopes and dreams on a daily basis. Being curious and attentive requires us to put our distractions to one side.

3. Compassion

Showing compassion, hope and belief when our child needs it most. Compassion is a state of mind or attitude that really helps us to feel connected and close to the human experience of being a child.

4. Valuing of mother

Showing respect and love of our kids’ mother. This isn’t about just always agreeing with mum! Valuing is similar to validating our partner for who they are with all their imperfections. Showing love and respect requires action, not just thoughts, and teaches our sons and daughters how to be treated.

5. Empathy

Listening empathically in order to be understanding, present and engaged. Putting ourselves into the shoes of others enables them to feel heard, respected and valued. Even if we don’t completely get it, or even like it!

6. Being verbally expressive

To clearly communicate, uphold guidelines, being tough yet fair, without belittling or being controlling.

7. Being human

To own mistakes, be open to feedback, and teach that growth is a lifelong endeavour. So, dad (and mum) get it wrong, sometimes! I reckon teaching our kids to be human means we have to show our own humanity, as often as possible.

8. Honesty

Teach and live by the values of honesty and integrity.

9. Playfulness

Showing delight in our children through fun and play. The benefits of dads playing has been researched, particularly the rough and tumble play. It teaches our kids to regulate their feelings and accept limits and boundaries.

10. Being industrious

Model a healthy work ethic as a source of personal accomplishment and satisfaction. This isn’t necessarily associated only with work; it’s a valuable attitude toward tasks in general.


FAMILIES ARE STRENGTHENED BY SUPPORTING FATHERS. Providing services and programming that aim to increase fathers’ positive parenting skills, appropriate discipline, effective communication, emotional support, and stress management can have a double effect, reducing risk factors for child abuse and increasing protective factors. As a result, not only can children face a reduced risk of maltreatment, but they can also benefit from positive father involvement.

I realize the phrase power of the father might stir up less-than-desirable reactions from some. Power is a word that can be used for good or evil. But just because some have and will abuse the reality behind the word, there’s no need to write it off. God’s Word clearly indicates that men — fathers — bring power to the parenting relationship. The woman brings life; the father brings strength. There will be days when a mother brings strength to things and there will be days when a man brings life. But the abiding pattern, the divine design, gives power to the father.

I am very proud of all of you who allow me to think and make efforts to write the blog Jai shriram lets respect everyone in our life