Importance of sunderkand

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Why this blog on Sunderkand

Many of us  recite or listen to Sundarkand very often but we never get opportunity to go into depth to learnt and understand the hidden meanings behind it to learn how we can adopt learning from Shriram ji & Hanumanji in our life . Many scholars invested  entire life and provided us with  valuable learning perspective that we can adopt moral values to improve our life.

Objective of writing in blog is to learn from each other as everyone has perspective from our own experiences , Its secrets of shared learning that allows us to explore our thoughts and discuss with like minded people . So please share and comments as and when appropriate . If anyone don’t want to write in group then send me note . If nothing else simply read is also appreciated . Basically it will be individual choice and I respect each of you as most valuable individual who is giving me opportunity to think ,write and improve . I will be using available resources ( Ram Kinker ji, Moraribapu and others ), my dad -Ramratan ji explanations that he used to share through letter including examples that will make it easy to understand

My inspiration to write on Sunderkand

Our family has been worshipping Ramayana for 3 generations.My father late Shri respected Ramratan ji and mother late Shrimati Kamalrani ji had in depth knowledge of Ramayan , specially on how to  learn & adopt moral values in our life . My father used to organize Ramayan  experts all over the India  for the  lecture series  for many years in our hometown  Paratwada in Maharashtra. He has developed deep expertise  to use excerpt from Ramayan and  its relevant in our daily life. He also used to write handwritten letter  5-6 pages to us and explain difficult  aspects of life in simple explanation from Ramayan . He  also shared with  me many versions of Ramayan. Finally, I started reading  Ramayan to  learn and correlate   my own experience for possible  improvement in  my own life..I started writing in small whatsapp group and to retain the learning thought of saving the content in blog

Precious pictures of Shriram , Hanumanji and my parents to get blessings to start writing blog on Sunderland

I would like to share the pratima of our Ram ji and Hanuman ji that we had seen since childhood . These pratima was displayed during lecture of Ramayan path with world famous scholars . I am also including pratima of my late mother and father who gave me life to bring in this world and gave important lessons to nurture moral values as foundation pillar to remain success.

Hanuman ji in prayers & Ram ji giving blessings. This pratima went all over pravachan of ramayana and close to our heart .You can see how almost 60 years back between photo frame and main picture used to make hand cutouts .Jai Shriram Jai Hanuman ji
Shriram ji with Sita ji is first pratima in our home that went throughout our town for Ramayan path and Pravachan. .This picture illustrate old style frame cutout . Now we only have picture as photo frame and internal picture has deteriorated and doesn’t exist
Ram mandir is established by my sister Kiran Gupta who has blessings of shriram ji by reading Sunderkand each day for past 40 plus years plus all our business name starts from Shriram
Shri Hanuman ji heart has pratima of Ram Sita ji. I have got this frame in 1968 for 25 paisa when I was 3rd grade . Since than its important treasure for my family in USA as consistent source of inspiration.Now this photo is with my son Vinayak
My mother Kamalrani ji who’s simplicity ,love & blessings inspires me each day .Her learning allowed us to grow in life and move forward in our life to cross all difficulties in life
My dad Ramratan ji who thought us and our inspiration to develop affection for Ram bhakti and how to lead life using the moral values from Ramayana

What is Sunderkand Why we should read Sunderkand?

Sundarkand is the fifth chapter of the ramayana. The original Sundara Kanda is in Sanskrit and was composed by Valmiki, who was the first to scripturally record the Ramayana.

Sundarkand is a beautiful, rhythmic verbal description of Sri Hanumanji. It comprises three shlokas (hymns of praise), six chhand (meters), 60 dohe (couplets) and 526 chaupai (Hindi poetic metre). Of the 60 couplets, the first 30 pertain to the description and character of Sri Hanumanji and the other 30 pertain to the qualities of Sri Rama. The word sunder meaning beautiful, handsome, virtuous, and good appears in 24 chaupai. Sri Hanumanji is the chief character in Sunderkand. Within Sunderkand there are several stories that encourage those with mental uneasiness to achieve peace and harmony.

It has been said after writing Kishkindhakand, Tulsidasji called Hanumanji by performing sadhna, upasana and aahwan. Sundarkand was written in presence of Hanumanji. At the end of writing Sundarkand, Tulsidasji requested shri Hanumanji to give blessings to the devotees who recite Sundarkand by freeing them from worries and problems, which was accepted by shri Hanumanji. Sundarkand sings the praises of Sri Hanumanji. It helps achieve all that is good and auspicious, both worldly and spiritual.

Whoever hears it with devotion shall without any means be able to cross the ocean of life.This lesson is recited by religious Hindus, preferably on Tuesdays or Saturdays. Sunder Kand is the only chapter of the Ramayana in which the hero is not Rama, but rather Hanuman.(Shri Hanuman, is one of the pivotal character in Shri Ramcharitra Manas.) The work depicts the adventures of Hanuman and his selflessness, strength, and devotion to Rama are emphasized in the text. I

Reciting Sunderkand can help ward off evils. It removes all the negativity and obstacles from one’s life and bestows the person with happiness and prosperity. Sunderkand teaches you how one can win over every difficulty and unfortunate situation in life if he decides to do so

सुन्दरकाण्ड का अर्थ क्या है?

मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम भगवान श्रीराम का संपूर्ण जीवन चरित्र गोस्वामी तुलसीदास रचित रामचरितमानस में समाया हुआ है। जिसे सामान्य भाषा में हम रामायण के नाम से जानते हैं। यूं तो इसकी प्रत्येक चौपाई का पठन-पाठन पुण्यदायी और प्रभु श्रीराम के करीब ले जाने वाला है, लेकिन इसमें सबसे उत्तम सुंदरकांड को माना गया है। सुंदरकांड में हनुमानजी द्वारा किए गए महान कार्यों का वर्णन किया गया है। अखंड रामायण पाठ में सुंदरकांड के पाठ का विशेष महत्व होता है।

सुंदरकाण्ड मूलतः वाल्मीकि कृत रामायण का एक भाग (काण्ड या सोपान) है। … सुन्दरकाण्ड में हनुमान जी द्वारा किये गये महान कार्यों का वर्णन है। रामायण पाठ में सुन्दरकाण्ड के पाठ का विशेष महत्व माना जाता है। सुंदरकाण्ड में हनुमान का लंका प्रस्थान, लंका दहन से लंका से वापसी तक के घटनाक्रम आते हैं

Benefits of Reading Sunder Kand

It can be chanted anytime in the morning or evening according to your convenience. Reciting Sunderkand can help ward off evils. It removes all the negativity and obstacles from one’s life and bestows the person with happiness and prosperity. Sunderkand teaches you how one can win over every difficulty and unfortunate situation in life if he decides to do so. Reciting Sunderkand also plays a vital role in improving the physical and mental including financial condition of a person. It protects oneself against diseases and ensures good health.

“सुन्दर कांड ” के फायदे | 

यह कहा जाता है कि जो कोई श्रद्धापूर्वक Sundarkand का पाठ करता है, तो उसके सभी मनोरथ पूरे होते हैं तथा जीवन के सभी कष्ट, दुःख, परेशानियाँ दूर हो जाती हैँ ।कई ज्योतिषी भी विपरित परिस्थितियों में सुंदरकांड करने की ही सलाह देते हैं। यदि किसी व्यक्ति के जीवन में अत्यधिक परेशानियां हो तथा कोई काम नहीं बन पा रहा है, आत्मविश्वास की कमी हो तो सुंदरकांड के पाठ से शुभ फल प्राप्त होता है।  अत्यंत सिद्ध है सुंदरकांड का पाठ, सुख-शांति-वैभव सब मिलता है इससे |

मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम भगवान श्रीराम का संपूर्ण जीवन चरित्र गोस्वामी तुलसीदास रचित रामचरितमानस में समाया हुआ है। जिसे सामान्य भाषा में हम रामायण के नाम से जानते हैं। यूं तो इसकी प्रत्येक चौपाई का पठन-पाठन पुण्यदायी और प्रभु श्रीराम के करीब ले जाने वाला है, लेकिन इसमें सबसे उत्तम सुंदरकांड को माना गया है। सुंदरकांड में हनुमानजी द्वारा किए गए महान कार्यों का वर्णन किया गया है। अखंड रामायण पाठ में सुंदरकांड के पाठ का विशेष महत्व होता है।

क्या हैं पाठ के लाभ यह तो सभी जानते हैं कि हनुमानजी सप्त चिरंजीवी में से एक हैं। यानी वे अभी भी पृथ्वी पर सशरीर मौजूद हैं। यह माना जाता है कि जहां भी सुंदरकांड का पाठ होता है वहां हनुमानजी किसी न किसी रूप में पाठ सुनने अवश्य आते हैं। यह कई लोगों ने साक्षात अनुभव भी किया है। सुंदरकांड का पाठ प्रत्येक मंगलवार या शनिवार को किया जाता है। इसका पाठ अकेले में या समूह के साथ संगीतमय रूप में किया जाता है। सुंदरकांड का नियमित पाठ जीवन की समस्त बाधाओं का नाश करता है। इससे धन, संपत्ति, सुख, वैभव, मान-सम्मान आदि प्राप्त होता है। लगातार सुंदरकांड का पाठ करने से आर्थिक समस्याएं दूर होती हैं। व्यापार-व्यवसाय में संकट, नौकरी में परेशानी भी इसके पाठ से दूर होती है।

What is included in Sunderkand

Sundarkand gives a beautiful description of Sri Rama’s Duta (ambassador) Hanumanji’s strength, knowledge and wisdom. With the blessings of Sri Ram he is able to cross the ocean in one leap. When faced by Sursa, who tested Hanumanji and Lankini, guarding the gates to Lanka, he successfully overcomes them and gains entrance. Although a bachelor, Hanuman conveys an emotionally charged description of Sri Rama’s longing for her that helps Sita forget her own pangs of loneliness due to separation from her husband. On meeting Vibhishana, he uses the policy of winning him over to his side by causing dissension.

On meeting Ravana, he uses the policy of differentiation and discrimination. He also employs the policy of force to inflict punishment and attain sway in his favour. At the same time, he explains to Ravana how he could win the favour of the Supreme God. After obtaining Sita’s blessings, he returns to Sri Ram to free him also from the longing of separation and motivates him to prepare for war. After this Shri Ram builds ‘Ram Setu’ and enters Lanka. Besides the beauty and inspiration of the verses, Sundarkand directs one towards attaining spiritual knowledge and is attractive to all from the worldly and spiritual points of view.

Why is Sunderkand called Sunder?

It means that everyone described in sundarkand, the ashokavana where sita devi is kept, the mantra/shlokas which are used in this kand are beautiful. So that is the reason why it is named as sundarkand.

There are many reasons for why the 5th kand of Ramcharitmanas is named as Sundarkand. But the below described one is the highly accepted one and also relatable to the name.

The Trikutachal mountains at Sri Lanka have three ranges.

(1)Neel range on which the country people stay.

(2)Suvel range which is the vast plateau.

(3)Sundar range where Ashok Vatika is located and the total events of sunderkand took place on this range, hence the sunderkand.

(4)Furthermore shri Tulsidasji has said

“sundare sundaro ramah sundare sundari katha ( सुन्दरे सुन्दरो रामः सुन्दरे सुन्दरी कथा ) “In the Sundara Kanda, or the beautiful chapter, beautiful is Rama, beautiful is the story;

sundare sundari sita sundare sundaram vanam, ( सुन्दरे सुन्दरी सीता सुन्दरे सुन्दरं वनम्। )Beautiful is Sita Devi, beautiful is the Asoka Vana

sundare sundaram kavyam sundare sundarah kapih ( सुन्दरे सुन्दरं काव्यं सुन्दरे सुन्दरः कपिः ) Beautiful is the poem; beautiful is the kapi Hanuman

sundare sundaram mantram sundare kim na sundaram” सुन्दरे सुन्दरं मन्त्रं सुन्दरे किं न सुन्दरम्॥ ) Beautiful is the mantra; what is not beautiful in Sundara Kanda?”

It means that everyone described in sundarkand, the ashokavana where sita devi is kept, the mantra/shlokas which are used in this kand are beautiful. So that is the reason why it is named as sundarkand.

हनुमानजी नें अपनी बुद्धि और बल से सीता की खोज की है। इसी वजह से सुंदरकांड (SundarKand) को हनुमानजी की सफलता के लिए याद किया जाता है। हनुमान जी सीता माता की खोज में लंका गए थे। लंका के सुंदर पर्वत में ही अशोक वाटिका थी जहाँ हनुमान जी के भेंट सीता माता से हुई थी। इसी वजह से इस भाग का नाम सुन्दरकाण्ड (Sunderkand) पड़ा। हालाँकि एक किवदंती के अनुसार एक मत यह भी है के हनुमान जी की माता उन्हें प्यार से “सुंदरा” कहकर पुकारती थीं इसीलिए वाल्मीकि जी ने इस भाग का नाम सुन्दरकाण्ड रखना ही सही समझा

One more reason  why its name as Sunderkand 

Everyone of us has some desire ( Kamna). Sunderkand recital with details understanding provides a determination and strong willpower to allow us to fulfil ours wants.

Whenever we do any work for completing task or  monetary benefit from job this means that we have desire or will power with determination to  achieve results.

Tulsidas ji who wrote Ramayana made efforts to link small or big hurdles ( obstacle) that was faced by Hanumanji but he helped  Sugreev and Vibhishan to get kingdom, solved many difficult situations , searched  and relief  Sita ji that allowed her again get union with Ram ji ( helping to make separated  family united).

In short whatever issues or  problems, we have got in our life the solution we can learn from with Hanumanji  on how to resolve and make our life most beautiful ( Sunder).This is reason that most people give importance to  recital of Sunderkand.

What is Sunderkand Corporate?

As is known, Sunderkand is the fifth chapter of Ramayana (Ram Charit Manas) written by Tulsidasji in a poetry form. It has tremendous power generating lot of positive charged spiritual vibration by singing, reading and even listening. This has effect on:




There is a scientific reason of its effect. The purpose is to know and understand this and make its use to give a difference where three senses of human being are being put to test. The work place (Corporate) is place where there is presence of lot many different souls, operating at different frequency of mind waves and also with different body language. This has a bearing on the efficiency of individuals and resultantly the performance of the organization.


I had opportunity to read many articles & reputed colleges/ institutions that adopt  the Hanumanji  qualities as part of  MBA courses or corporate training . As I have yet to find better illustration to demonstrate and adopt MBO( Management by Objectives )other than Hanuman ji  to accomplish all difficult task in most intelligent way very quickly without any mistake (100% compliance ).This approach is required for every organization (profession) and in our personal life  to gain success

As is known to everybody that whosoever and wherever a Sunderkand is being undertaken in a group, Lord Hanumanji does visit . At the same time it is known to everybody that the verses of Sunderkand are the Mantras and Mantras are having positive charges imbibed in it something similar to today’s ‘Chip’ or ‘Programmed’ language which gets activated upon certain operations. Sunderkand verses get activated upon recitation creating a phonetic aura (sensation). This aura has charges which are positive affecting it positively in the minds of receiter by crushing the negative charges created by the ongoing thoughts in the brain of Sadhanks.

I respect each one of you  as most valuable individual who has provided me with opportunity to think ,write to proactively changed my perception . I will be using  available resources  ( Ram Kinker ji, Moraribapu and others ), my dad -Ramratan ji explanations to assist me to provide life learning examples to facilitate discussions..I also have regular discussion with my friends and family including sister Kiran Gupta who is reciting Sunderkand daily  last 40 years .  Many of members in this group has  great knowledge  and appreciation of Sunderkand. This will accelerate our journey to learn moral values from Sunderkand

In summary  journey to understand learning  of Sundarkand  will bring our consciousness and mind together to allow us to make our life beautiful (Sunder)!!

Addition to post 6th March 2022 – Introduction to Sunderkhand from Valmiki ji

According to traditional folklore Ramayana text has twenty four thousand Slokas corresponding to the twenty four syllables of Gayatri mantra. The first Sloka of Sundarakanda has the twelfth syllable of the twenty four syllables of the Gayatri mantra, placing Sundarakanda in a way at the virtual center or the heart of Ramayana

Sundarakanda is probably the most widely read part of Ramayana and carries a widely known verse about itself saying

In Sundarakanda Rama is beautiful , Sita is beautiful, Hunuman is beautiful ,. What is not beautiful in Sundarakanda?

Considering the tradition of naming a book or chapter of a book after the main character, one can conclude Sundarakanda is about Sundara , the Hunuman who is the center piece of action in Sundarakanda.

Sundarakanda is the story of the determination of Hanuman in achieving the task he set out as stated in the opening stanza of Sundarakanda. The story built in Sundarakanda can be briefly stated as follows.

Hanuman flies across the ocean overcoming several obstacles , enters Lanka, after intensive search finds Sita , identifies himself as the messenger of Rama , takes her message and a token Chudamani from her as an identification , then announces himself as the servant and messenger of Rama, destroys the palace garden of Ravana, gains audience with Ravana, conveys his own message to Ravana saying return Sita or face annihilation . When his message of conciliation was rejected and his tail was set on fire , he uses that to burn down the city of Lanka , returns triumphantly to Kishkindha and conveys to Rama that Sita is safe but in the custody of the Rakshasa King Ravana in Lanka , continuously pining for Rama and awaiting action by Rama to get her released.

हनुमान कई बाधाओं को पार करते हुए समुद्र के पार उड़ते हैं, लंका में प्रवेश करते हैं, गहन खोज के बाद सीता को पाते हैं, खुद को राम के दूत के रूप में पहचानते हैं, उनका संदेश और  चुडामणि को एक पहचान के रूप में लेते हैं, फिर खुद को राम के सेवक और दूत के रूप में घोषित करते हैं, रावण के महल के बगीचे को नष्ट कर देता है, रावण के साथ दर्शकों को प्राप्त करता है, रावण को अपना संदेश बताता है कि सीता को वापस करो या विनाश का सामना करो। जब उनके सुलह के संदेश को खारिज कर दिया गया और उनकी पूंछ में आग लगा दी गई, तो वह लंका शहर को जलाने के लिए इसका इस्तेमाल करते हैं, विजयी रूप से किष्किंधा लौटते हैं और राम को बताते हैं कि सीता सुरक्षित हैं लेकिन लंका में राक्षस राजा रावण की हिरासत में हैं, लगातार राम के लिए तरस रहा है और उसे रिहा करने के लिए राम द्वारा कार्रवाई की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है।

Stripped of religious overtones , Sundarakanda starts in the background where in Sri Rama and Sita have gone through relentless troubles and difficulties in terms of the abrupt cancellation of coronation, banishment to the forests , the death of father Dasaratha , the abduction of Sita . Sri Rama himself says,

“Kingdom is Lost. Living in forest. Lost Sita. Now this Bird Jatayu is dead. This is all my misfortune which can even destroy fire.

This mood of despondency continues with the despondency of the search party led by Angada being unable to find Sita . They were also facing the daunting task of crossing the ocean to locate Sita . From there the seeds of success are sown with Jambavaan prodding Hanuman to take upon himself the task of crossing the ocean.

Starting in this background , the exploits of Hanuman in crossing the ocean create a sense of exuberance. The long sought after success in locating Sita , bringing peace to her agitated mind , bringing peace to Rama by informing him of the safety of Sita provide a turning point in Ramayana . So much so that the tradition has it that Sadhana connected with Sundarakanda creates a sense of peace and success for those who undertake the Saadhana of Sundarakanda.

इस पृष्ठभूमि में, समुद्र पार करने में हनुमान के कारनामों से उत्साह की भावना पैदा होती है। सीता का पता लगाने, उनके उत्तेजित मन को शांति देने, राम को सीता की सुरक्षा के बारे में बताकर शांति लाने में लंबे समय से मांगी गई सफलता रामायण में एक महत्वपूर्ण मोड़ प्रदान करती है। परंपरा इतनी अधिक है कि सुंदरकांड से जुड़ी साधना सुंदरकांड की साधना करने वालों के लिए शांति और सफलता की भावना पैदा करती है।

Over the ages Sundarakanda in Ramayan acquired an importance of its own , much like the Bhagavad-Gita in Mahabharata, which is an epic which came after Ramayana. The two central images of Sundarakanda which created an aura , which made it an entity in the daily parayana, the program of prayer in many families are the roles of Hanuman and Sita. Hanuaman is depicted as the selfless ,devoted , courageous , intelligent , powerful , but simple Rambhakt , a devotee of Rama . Sita is portrayed as the deeply afflicted and sorrowing wife, yet endowed with an unflinching wifely devotion for Sri Rama such as when she declares

सुंदरकांड की दो केंद्रीय छवियां जिसने एक आभा बनाई, जिसने इसे दैनिक परायण में एक इकाई बना दिया, कई परिवारों में प्रार्थना का कार्यक्रम हनुमान और सीता की भूमिकाएं हैं। हनुमान को निस्वार्थ, समर्पित, साहसी, बुद्धिमान, शक्तिशाली, लेकिन सरल रामभक्त, राम भक्त के रूप में दर्शाया गया है। सीता को गहरी पीड़ित और दुःखी पत्नी के रूप में चित्रित किया गया है, फिर भी श्री राम के लिए एक अटूट पत्नी भक्ति के साथ संपन्न, जैसे कि जब वह घोषणा करती हैं

With such strong portrayals of unbounded loyalty and devotion , number of beliefs have sprung up in the tradition bound Indian families . It is said that when a man has some great issue at stake that will either mend or mar his life, he reads Sundarakanda or hears it expounded. When a man is ill , past medical help people believe if one reads Sundarakanda Maruti will bring him back to life and good health. This is only to illustrate the beliefs which grew over the ages about the power of Sundarakanda in the tradition bound Indian families . But there is certainly more to Sundarakanda if one were to look at the inner meaning or the buried message in Sundarakanda than the beliefs built about its mystic powers.

असीम निष्ठा और भक्ति के इस तरह के मजबूत चित्रण के साथ, परंपरा से बंधे भारतीय परिवारों में विश्वासों की संख्या बढ़ गई है। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि जब किसी व्यक्ति के पास कोई बड़ा मुद्दा होता है जो उसके जीवन को या तो सुधार देगा या बिगाड़ देगा, तो वह सुंदरकांड पढ़ता है या उसे सुनाता है। जब एक आदमी बीमार होता है, तो पिछले चिकित्सा सहायता लोगों का मानना ​​​​है कि अगर कोई सुंदरकांडा पढ़ता है तो मारुति उसे जीवन और अच्छे स्वास्थ्य में वापस लाएगा। यह परंपरा से बंधे भारतीय परिवारों में सुंदरकांड की शक्ति के बारे में सदियों से चली आ रही मान्यताओं को स्पष्ट करने के लिए है। लेकिन सुंदरकांड के लिए निश्चित रूप से और भी कुछ है यदि कोई सुंदरकांड में आंतरिक अर्थ या दबे हुए संदेश को देखता है, तो इसकी रहस्यमय शक्तियों के बारे में विश्वासों लाती है

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