In continuation of learning good perspective and enhance our moral values lets learn one more quote from Ramayana (Lanka Khand reference Doha 77 )– Context when Meghnath( Ravan’s son) is killed in Dharma war between Ram ji and Ravan.
Everyone including Ravan lost hope to win the war instead of understanding his limitation and reality and surrender to Ram to keep the moral of his relatives and warrior he started given them lecture and knowledge even though he is not applying or following himself its like Tulsidas ( who wrote Ramayan)explain as most famous saying that is used by people “
“Par Updesh Kushal Bahutere”MEANING: “AN OUNCE OF EXAMPLE IS BETTER THAN A TON OF PRECEPT.”(“पर उपदेश कुशल बहुतेरे” उपदेश देना आसान है, पर खुद उस पर अमल करना ज़्यादा ज़रूरी है।)”
आज के समय मे सभी महातमा की तरह दुसरो को उपदेश देते रहते है की अपने जीवन मे यह करो अपने जीवन मे वह करो, मगर स्वयं सही होते नही है । इस तरह के लोग जब भी अपने सामने कुछ गलत होते देखते है तो उस पर उपदेश देने लगते है । इस तरह से जब किसी व्यक्ति को दुसरो को उपदेश देना आसान लगता है और वह दुसरो को उपदेश देने लगता है
“We can not see our own face (without a mirror) that is left for others to see.”
The key to our meaningful and effective communication lies in our simplicity, truthfulness and trust on practicability of every dialogue. If we connect effectively with God through prayers with our trust in Him, our relationship with Him would be deeper. Any conversation can solidify our relationship with our audiences, if we know how to do it effectively.
Evaluation is a great way to solidifying your own knowledge for teaching it to others. What is the use of fanciful sermonizing or expressing that, which we ourselves are not able to evaluate it in our daily practical life? This fact, we need to understand to remove the veil of our “duplicity” or “empty talks” for realizing the effective understanding of every dialogue and leading a meaningful life that impresses everybody on account of our being simplistic and true in our expressions. This is like “We cannot see our own face (without a mirror) that is left for others to see.”
Its so hard for me to write and ensure to follow this saying but knowing and understanding does help to analyze our behaviors and make improvement . We all limited by our thoughts and how we see ourselves and people around us