Hindu New Year 2023 Nav Samvatsar 2080

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Happy Navratri and New year

New Year is celebrated as a festival all over the world. The date of the new year is also different in different places in the world. The New Year celebrations of different sects also differ and its importance also differs among different cultures.

In India too, there is a difference in the dates of the new year, in different states or it can be said that there is a difference in the dates of the new year in different communities. In the Hindu community of North India, New Year’s festival is celebrated on the Pratipada of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra. This year this date is on 22nd March 2023. In Hinduism, this day is considered the most auspicious day of the year. The Hindu New Year is a day of celebration.

Historical Importance of Chaitra Shukla Pratipada

Hindu New Year celebrates Pratipada of Shukla Paksha of Chaitra month, it has many historical importance in the past. This festival is associated with the mythological day Lord Brahma created the universe on this day. In this, not only Brahmaji and the main gods and goddesses of the universe created by him, Yakshas-demons, Gandharvas, sages, rivers, mountains, animals and birds and insects, diseases and their remedies are also worshiped.  New Samvatsara starts from this day. Hence this date is also called ‘Nav Samvatsara’.

There are many historical importance of celebrating Hindu New Year, which we can know due to the following reasons, which are as follows-

  • From the sunrise of this day, Brahma started the creation of the universe.
  • Emperor Vikramaditya established the kingdom on this day. The first day of Vikrami Samvat begins in his name.
  • This is the day of coronation of Lord Shri Ram.
  • This is the nine days of Shakti and Bhakti i.e. the first day of Navratri.
  • Like King Vikramaditya, Shalivahana chose this day to defeat the Huns and establish the best state in South India. Vikram Samvat was established.
  • The coronation of Yudhishthira also took place on this day.

Previous blog from 2021

प्रेम और सौहार्द से करते नववर्ष का आगाज सभी दिलो में प्रेम रहे और बढ़े ज्ञान रूपी प्रकाश नववर्ष की बेला छाई है हर जगह चलो मनाएं हिंदू नववर्ष !!

चैत्र शुक्लपक्ष की प्रतिपदा तिथि से नया हिंदू नववर्ष प्रारंभ !!13 अप्रैल, मंगलवार से नवसंवत्सर 2078 का शुभारंभ है। चैत्र का महीना हिंदू कैलेंडर का पहला महीना माना जाता है। चैत्र प्रतिपदा से नवरात्रि का पर्व भी आरंभ होता है। महाराष्ट्र में हिंदू नववर्ष को गुड़ी पड़वा के नाम से मनाया जाता है। नवसंवत्सर 2078 में मंगल राजा और मंत्री दोनों होंगे।

New Year is celebrated with gaiety and pomp around the world wherever Hindus live. India’s ancient faith salutes New Year at the start of spring, when nature comes to life, in mid-April. New Year (Sarvadhari) comes with the onset of Chaitra (Chittirai) Masam in March/April according to Hindu Panchanga (calendar).

Today is also celebrated as PLAVA NAMA SAMVATSARA) !!! “Plava” meaning that which help us to cross easily our difficulties in life (hopefully including Corona crisis). Plava year is the 35th year of 60 years cycle in Bharata Desha Lunar calendar.

Nama= Name
Uga+Adi = beginning of new era or life.

Also today is Gudi Padwa is primarily celebrated by the people in Maharashtra and Goa. The festival derives its name from two words — ‘gudi’ which is the flag of Lord Brahma and ‘padwa’ which signifies the first day of the phase of the moon.

Baisakhi 2021 Date: Baisakhi, also called Vaisakhi, is the harvest festival of Punjab, which people across religions celebrate. This year, it falls on April 14. Other than harvest, the day of Baisakhi has religious significance too. On March 30, 1699, on Vaisakhi, Guru Gobind Singh established the Khalsa, which is the pure Sikh community.

Also Ramdan fasting festival starts today !! and झुलेलाल जयंती is also celebrated today

We all is blessed to celebrate the festival and pray Durga ji to provide us blessings . Last Navratri was very special when for first time in our life Durga ji came to our home and now permanently remains in our life . We again celebrating with family and friends Durga ji this Navratri. Its really blessing Anita my wife was able to build Durga ji from her imaginations .

Durga ji at our home in Indianapolis USA

Some facts Shared by Vikas

आज के दिन की विशेषता
“भारतीय नववर्ष, चैत्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा, विक्रमी संवत् 2078” की आप सभी को हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएँ।।।

🚩 चैत्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा का ऐतिहासिक महत्व :

🔸इसी दिन के सूर्योदय से ब्रह्माजी ने सृष्टि की रचना प्रारंभ की।

🔸सम्राट विक्रमादित्य ने इसी दिन राज्य स्थापित किया। इन्हीं के नाम पर विक्रमी संवत् का पहला दिन प्रारंभ होता है।

🔸प्रभु श्री राम के राज्याभिषेक का दिन यही है।

🔸शक्ति और भक्ति के नौ दिन, अर्थात् मातृ शक्ति के नवरात्र का पहला दिन यही है।

🔸सनातनी हिंदुओं की सिख परंपरा के द्वितीय गुरू, श्री अंगद देव जी का जन्म दिवस यही है।

🔸स्वामी दयानंद सरस्वती जी ने इसी दिन आर्य समाज की स्थापना की एवं कृणवंतो विश्वमआर्यम का संदेश दिया |

🔸सिंध प्रान्त के प्रसिद्ध समाज रक्षक, सनातनी हिंदुओं के वरूणावतार भगवान श्री झूलेलाल जी इसी दिन प्रगट हुए।

🔸सम्राट विक्रमादित्य की भांति सम्राट शालिवाहन ने हूणों को परास्त कर, दक्षिण भारत में श्रेष्ठतम राज्य स्थापित करने हेतु यही दिन चुना।

🔸महाभारत कालीन चक्रवर्ती सम्राट युधिष्ठिर का राज्यभिषेक भी इसी दिन हुआ।

🔸विश्व के सबसे बड़े संगठन, राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के संस्थापक, परम पूज्य डॉ० केशवराव बलिराम हेडगेवार जी का जन्म दिवस ।

🔸महर्षि गौतम जयंती ।

भारतीय नववर्ष का प्राकृतिक महत्व :

👉वसंत ऋतु का आरंभ वर्ष प्रतिपदा से ही होता है जो उल्लास, उमंग, खुशी तथा चारों तरफ पुष्पों की सुगंधि से भरी होती है।

👉फसल पकने का प्रारंभ यानि किसान की मेहनत का फल मिलने का भी यही समय होता है।

👉नक्षत्र शुभ स्थिति में होते हैं, अर्थात् किसी भी कार्य को प्रारंभ करने के लिये यह शुभ मुहूर्त होता है।

You can read more on Hindu Months Hindu calendar – Wikipedia

Contribution from Anil Vashishtha ji

New Year’s name is plava प्लव to cross over, to plow through. The word plow means cutting through the water. May this year bless us all and allow us to plow through the difficult ocean.

Last year’s name was Sharvari शर्वरी darkness/pain/ignorance.

Next two years are
shubhakruti शुभकृतिः (auspiciousness) and Shobhakruti
शोभाकृतिः (grace)

Following year(2024) will be Krodhi क्रोधी (angry)Putting in the Ramayanam perspective there was a period of शर्वरी darkness/ignorance when no one knew how to find Sita mata and Hanumanji himself not remembering his shakti to be able to fly etc until Jamavant reminded him.Then came the plava प्लव and Hanumanji crossed the ocean with ease.

Followed by auspicious शुभकृतिः times of reaching Lanka and finding Vibhishana. Next finding Sitamata and getting her grace (शोभाकृतिः)What followed was anger क्रोधी and Lanka is burnt to ashes.
Let Hanumanji blesses us all and lead us to the feet of ShriRama. श्रीराम से मोहे मिला देना…
जय श्रीराम जय हनुमान

Contribution from DR Chandra ji

This day marks the first day of the spring season,which is considered to be first of the all Six Ritu or seasons (1. Vasantha-spring, 2. Grishma-summer, 3. Varsha-monsoon, 4. Sharad-autumn, 5. Hemanth-pre-winter, 6. Shishir-winter).

According to cyclic Hindu calender, this is the day when the seed expresses its life beginning with sprouting with eventual growth into trunk,branches, leaves,flowers and finally giving the fruits. It is a symbolism of coming to life(new beginning). So also our human life. 

The wise say “Jantunam Manushya Janma Durlabham”(Out of all living Beings,getting into Human birth is the rarest) and a great chance to redeem our life towards Moksha(salvation). So, in this fortunate Human life, let us all get inspiration on this first day of Plava Nama Samvatsara (year) to purify the body and mind to make our inner spirit or inner Self sprout into the unbound LOVE, and SERVICE spreading across the globe without any boundaries.
Let us all have a feeling that all the people in this world belong to one single global family (Vasudaiva Kutambhakam).

Let us all take the Ugadi pachadi (a drink made from the mixture of sour,bitter and sweet) and realize that life itself is mixture of opposites…good and bad,pleasure and pain,love and hate…..experiencing and realizing that what hurts you also must be hurting others and what makes you happy also should be making others happy….with that in our minds, let us all move forward with “Be good and Do good” attitude and gratitude.

Let us all sing a song or sloka together “LOKA SAMASTHA SUKHINO BHAVANTU” (May all the people of the world be happy).

Conclusion :

Today is every auspicious day celebrated by all community as new year !! Its first time personally realized to understand the significance of Hindu new year . Your blessings in our life is most important to keep our existence to reciprocate positivity . Lets keep learning our culture and keep building our moral value

Additional 2nd April 2022

Hindu New Year’s Days 2022 Dates Across Different Indian States: Gudi Padwa, Cheti Chand, Ugadi, Navreh and Other Celebrations As per Hindu Lunisolar Calendar

Hindu New Year’s Days 2022 Dates Across Different Indian States: Gudi Padwa, Cheti Chand, Ugadi, Navreh and Other Celebrations As per Hindu Lunisolar Calendar

New Year is celebrated as a festival all over the world. The date of the new year is also different in different places in the world, depending upon the lunar and solar Hindu Calendar. We have made a complete list of the Hindi Lunisolar Calendar for the year 2022 below.

As per the Gregorian calendar, annually, January 1 is celebr .https://www.latestly.com/lifestyle/festivals-events/hindu-new-years-days-2022-dates-across-different-indian-states-gudi-padwa-cheti-chand-ugadi-navreh-and-other-celebrations-as-per-hindu-lunisolar-calendar-3522752.html.

प्रथम महीना चैत से गिन
राम जनम का जिसमें दिन।।

द्वितीय माह आया वैशाख।
वैसाखी पंचनद की साख।।

ज्येष्ठ मास को जान तीसरा।
अब तो जाड़ा सबको बिसरा।।

चौथा मास आया आषाढ़।
नदियों में आती है बाढ़।।

पांचवें सावन घेरे बदरी।
झूला झूलो गाओ कजरी।।

भादौ मास को जानो छठा।
कृष्ण जन्म की सुन्दर छटा।।

मास सातवां लगा कुंआर।
दुर्गा पूजा की आई बहार।।

कार्तिक मास आठवां आए।
दीवाली के दीप जलाए।।

नवां महीना आया अगहन।
सीता बनीं राम की दुल्हन।।

पूस मास है क्रम में दस।
पीओ सब गन्ने का रस।।

ग्यारहवां मास माघ को गाओ।
समरसता का भाव जगाओ।।

मास बारहवां फाल्गुन आया।
साथ में होली के रंग लाया।।

बारह मास हुए अब पूरे।
छोड़ो न कोई काम अधूरे।।
जय श्री रामजी
आगामी हिन्दू नववर्ष की शुभकामनायें

As per the Gregorian calendar, annually, January 1 is celebr ..