How to achieve impossible task from Hanuman ji (23 Dec 2020)

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Many a time each one of  us  get into  situation when initially we thought it’s impossible to accomplish   professional and personal a task or assignment. Possible reason could be  we have not built the skills required that makes us nervous . If we give up the opportunity than it could  possibly result losing self-respect . Alternatively,  we  also think its not one’s cup of tea means you do not enjoy the assignment and should look for opportunity that one can make progress.

 I also discovered that  most time  our thoughts ,dedication and hardworking aptitude determine our success . It’s like professional course  in Medical , Law , Engineering or any other field  require concentration and commitment. In my own example my  initial professional career in India  was in business . My own burning desire to change in profession that  allowed me to move into Information Technology consulting . I know for sure everyone has  story for success . I admire my close family friend Dr. Mahesh Gupta how he transformed and keep learning new skills to remain successful . In short I have learned from each one of you how to get success in life .This allowed me to think beyond four wall to adopt change and make improvements .


Let’s understand how we can learn to make impossible as possible from Hanuman ji . I would like to share 2 comments that I have received for the last post .

Comments from my college classmate Rajeev

There are many simple analogies to Hanumanji carrying entire mountain on his palm – it’s the equivalent concept of Mission Impossible.

In most of the complex software development projects done by individuals on voluntary basis (like any Open Source software project), you will see that just one or two individuals code 95% of the core project’s code. It is impossible for a paid team to accomplish such a feat.

Simple example is the Android operating system in our hands. It is derived  majorly from Linux. One 24-year-old guy Linus Trovaldis coded almost 90% of the code on his own as a volunteer and offered his code to the world to use for free.

Such Hanumanji type “making impossible possible” capabilities exist within each human being

 Comments from my sister Kiran Gupta

Practice make a person perfect. We should  have presence  of  mind  where  we should  use  our  knowledge. Hanumanji had used  his knowledge  and  brought the whole mountain. He had not wasted time investing in searching the scrub .His main objective  was  to save Laxman ji ‘s  life I also think that we   acquire  knowledge that build   confidence  that automatically  transform  to  one  get courageous. Knowledge and confidence are the pillars  of courageousness..


Hanuman never gave any excuses and accomplished all assigned tasks. Hanuman never gave up on any task, he was always dynamic. Hanuman was a friend in need to Lord Rama, without expecting anything in return from Rama. Hanuman turned the impossible to possible with pure dedication and with Unshaken devotion towards Rama.

There is lot I can write about learning from Hanuman ji  as he really did each assignment with determination , concentration , great planning and making appropriate decision on the spot to remain  successful.

Let’s  build inner burning desire to make our dream a reality by our hard work, commitment and never give up attitude and approach . I always think if  anyone else can do then why not we can do it together  with like-minded friends and family