Kishkindakand- remove fear

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I  will make attempt to understand and explain each Doha of Kishkindakand in upcoming post . Our  existence in this world is due to blessings from parents .

My  father Late Shri Ramratan ji and mother late Shirmati  Kamalrani ji had in depth knowledge of Ramayan , especially  in context with how to  learn & adopt moral values in our daily  life .  For many years my  father used to organize  one week  discussion on Ramayan  (Ram Katha ) by inviting  experts all over the India  like  Padamshri Ram Kinkar Upadhyay ( Ram Kinkar Upadhyay – Wikipedia), Camille Bulcke (Camille Bulcke – Wikipedia)    in our hometown  Paratwada in Maharashtra.  

Our family  at early age got unique opportunity to get blessings from these expert  to develop interest to learn more about Ramayan . My  father used to write us  handwritten letter  almost  5-6 pages  to illustrate how  our  difficult situation in life can be solved  by  simple explanation from Ramayan . He  also shared with  me many versions of Ramayan.

Finally, I started reading  Ramayan for possible  improvement in  my own life. It was  on my  list of pending activating for  past 18 years  to read ,learn an adopt moral values from Ramayan . Finally  I started reading  Ramayan and writing daily short morning message  .  Main objective for writing  blog is to get some feedback from family and friends   to enhance my horizon and get additional learning perceptive to  make improvement in my life adopt learning.

Perspective of Kishkindakand

 Kishkindakand,   can be thought as  Vishodh – a unique or special type of search(shodh). Rama is searching Sita but he also searches out several friends and followers – Hanuman, Sugriv, Vali and Angad. This Kand has six or seven special features that are not found elsewhere. It is the smallest Kand in Manas and presents several new features.

Difference between Vanars & monkeys

According to respected Morari Bapu ji – This Kand deals mostly with Vanars. Vanarsare not monkeys. Vanar, Asur, Kinner, Gandharv, Naag are various tribes in ancient India. Vanars have their own Rastra, their own language, (Hanuman is multilingual who knows several languages), their own music, and their own folklore – in short their own culture and civilization. They look like monkeys but they are not monkeys.

The special trait of their culture is devotion to their master (Swamibhakti). Political thinkers in ancient India-Chanakya, Vidur, Kalidas –prescribed seven things that constitute a State (Rajya) – a government(Rashtra), a ruler(Raja), advisors (Mantries), treasure(Dhankosh), army (Sena), fortresses(Durg) and friends (Mitra). Vali had all the seven while Sugriv had lost everything. He had only an advisor (Mantri, Sachiv) Hanuman who got him friendship with Rama(Mitra) who helped him secure all the remaining things.

Importance of good and reliable friends

Kishkindakand   emphasized the importance of good and reliable friends whose company is so necessary for all but especially for young people. Hence   younger generation and should   always in good company. Modern Science has given us so many comforts and conveniences, but  this is also true that in some situations  Science has destroyed our privacy, our individuality, our Ekant. Today, every individual is exposed to others and is confined into space watched by others. Vishram, the real condition of progress has disappeared and the loss of Vishram  will destroy several other very valuable aspects of human life.

Moving forward  is way of life  (आगें चले बहुरि रघुराया।)

Kishkindhakand first sentence ( choupaayi) आगें चले बहुरि रघुराया। रिष्यमूक पर्बत निअराया॥ (åge cale bahuri ° raghuråyå, ri¶yamµuka parbata niaråyå) First  word आगें (Aagey) means “FORWARD” “RAMJI ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD IN HIS LIFE .HE NEVER LOOKED BACK” Similarly in our life  we should always look forward and move ahead in spite of adversities or roadblocks .

Moving forward  is way of life  is similar to the flow of  water in  holy river Ganga . How many twists and turns it goes through along the entire path . Water level may keep on varying  according to season but Ganga flows on. Its Purity remains intact . In life  Shri Ram ji teaches us  that go on moving forward. Move ahead, walk on, and don’t stop  for this  forward movement is what the life is all about. Shri Ram ji Himself kept on moving ahead in His entire  journey. After leaving “Ayodhaya” He did not look  back and continued HIS journey forward. He only returned  back to Ayodhya  after accomplishing His task.

आगें चले बहुरि रघुराया (åge cale bahuri ° raghuråyå,)- means moving  ahead and going forward  without looking back. He who is always moving forward is the Almighty.

Difference between  Ram ji and Sugreva

Let’s analyze further  difference between  Ram ji and Sugreva . As lord Ram ji constantly moving ahead  that is why He is fearless .On the other hand ‘Sugreeva’ is stationed at one-point on the “RIshamooka Parvat” (mountain) and that is his problem !!. Till such time he is seated  a one place he is running scared. The one who steadfastly surges ahead  in  spite of  difficulties  that comes in the way is fearless .

At this juncture Shri Hanuman ji  takes upon himself and moves forward. Under any circumstance, the person who moves ahead is fearless . The one  who is seating is quietly is scared.


 In our life  we can corelate this situation is that  everyone desire to get great progress and success in our  life but very few act and work hard to move forward  and make significant progress. If we think and not act than change in our approach is mot possible as it can viewed as stationery like Sugreva  

If we want to sit in a place and need to overcome  the inertia, then seek the company of  good people around us like Sugreeva was with Hanuman ji  to allow us to get needed acceleration to  move ahead  to achieve   is fearlessness .  We all witness that prior to exam  it’s normal to become nervous and  get poor confidence  due to fear that  the all chapter in depth has not been reviewed . This is what we learn  from scientist  Newton “Acceleration is proportional to the applied force: The larger the force, ( like Hanuman ji in our life ) the more an object will accelerate,( move forward in our life to get success)  in the direction of the applied force.

Another perspective when our individual sense organs tell us that this is the ‘place’ the sit down and from there the journey s has to surge ahead in the right earnest.

We come into difficult situation due to commit certain fault beforehand which becomes problem for us and doesn’t allow to move forward and remove our fear.

We should seek hanumanji  like  people to secure good friends and like Sugriv, they will gain everything, something like being a king and controller of their individuality

Learn from Angad -. He speaks little and only when necessary. But when necessary, he speaks fluently and freely. Let us remember the tongue lashes that he gives to Ravan with cold, calculated but very stinging words.  We should learn from Angad to speak less, to keep on smiling freely and keep our minds focused by our task and objective to remain successful.

Kishkindhakand Shri Hanuman ji enter, and discussion starts with  Ram ji. Nine relationship that we discussed in previous post is very important and valuable discussions  shall help in making our lives happy and contended .Another important aspect is that  we can attain the glimpse of the Divine only if  we can have  a happy state of mind. Lets continue our journey for thinking positive approach for our own improvements as then only we can help anyone else .

2 Replies to “Kishkindakand- remove fear”

    1. Mahesh ji its friends like you in m life make a significant difference for my success .lets continue together sharing and learning

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