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All the 7 parts ( Kand ) beginning of Ramayana starts with prayers in the form of MANGAALACHARNA. Most of time I have not spent enough time to understand the meaning of mangaalacharna and straight goes into details of Doha. I have now made attempt to start our discussion of Kishkindakand from mangaalacharna.

कुन्देन्दीवरसुन्दरावतिबलौ विज्ञानधामावुभौ
शोभाढ्यौ वरधन्विनौ श्रुतिनुतौ गोविप्रवृन्दप्रियौ।
मायामानुषरूपिणौ रघुवरौ सद्धर्मवर्मौ हितौ
सीतान्वेषणतत्परौ पथिगतौ भक्तिप्रदौ तौ हि नः ॥1॥

भावार्थ:-कुन्दपुष्प और नीलकमल के समान सुंदर गौर एवं श्यामवर्ण, अत्यंत बलवान्, विज्ञान के धाम, शोभा संपन्न, श्रेष्ठ धनुर्धर, वेदों के द्वारा वन्दित, गौ एवं ब्राह्मणों के समूह के प्रिय (अथवा प्रेमी), माया से मनुष्य रूप धारण किए हुए, श्रेष्ठ धर्म के लिए कवचस्वरूप, सबके हितकारी, श्री सीताजी की खोज में लगे हुए, पथिक रूप रघुकुल के श्रेष्ठ श्री रामजी और श्री लक्ष्मणजी दोनों भाई निश्चय ही हमें भक्तिप्रद हों ॥1॥

In this first shloka, Tulsidas ji described Shree Ram ji’s beauty, Two brothers, Ram’s and Lakshman’s very handsome, their beauty can be compared as fragrant jasmine flower and blue lotus,  a very high degree of strength, prolong period of wisdom, blessed with natural beauty, excellent bowmen, praise by Vedas, beloved of the cows and the brahmanas, who incarnated in the form of human through the maya , descendant of Raghukul, the defensive of true religion,  amiable to all , traveling in search of Shree Sita ji, they may bless us with Devotion.   If you are in a certain situation, conditions or place, you should not lose your aim, keep moving towards the goal with love, loyalty and enthusiasm.

* ब्रह्माम्भोधिसमुद्भवं कलिमलप्रध्वंसनं चाव्ययं
श्रीमच्छम्भुमुखेन्दुसुन्दरवरे संशोभितं सर्वदा।
संसारामयभेषजं सुखकरं श्रीजानकीजीवनं
धन्यास्ते कृतिनः पिबन्ति सततं श्रीरामनामामृतम्॥2॥

भावार्थ:-वे सुकृती (पुण्यात्मा पुरुष) धन्य हैं जो वेद रूपी समुद्र (के मथने) से उत्पन्न हुए कलियुग के मल को सर्वथा नष्ट कर देने वाले, अविनाशी, भगवान श्री शंभु के सुंदर एवं श्रेष्ठ मुख रूपी चंद्रमा में सदा शोभायमान, जन्म-मरण रूपी रोग के औषध, सबको सुख देने वाले और श्री जानकीजी के जीवनस्वरूप श्री राम नाम रूपी अमृत का निरंतर पान करते रहते हैं॥2॥

Blessed are those pious souls who ceaselessly quaff the nectar of  shri Råm ji  Name, churned out of the ocean of the Vedas, which completely destroys the sins of the Kali age and knows no decay, which shines ever bright in the most beautiful moon-like mouth of the glorious sambhu (Lord siva), a palatable remedy for the disease of transmigration and the very life of Sita (Janakaís Daughter).

Additional explanation- Conclusion

God’s divine name is the medicine  or the cure  for ailments  suffered by us. In summary first mangalacharna  objective is to provide us the opportunity to see  Ram dharshan to purify our heart and second one provides the continuously follow the right path in our life to move forward but taking Ram’s nam while doing any task. This also means that when we take Ram ji name than it provide us positive energy . It  has been illustrated that Ram ji name is  much  bigger than  Ram Himself


The name has great powers and can-do wonders and miracles. This is evident from the fact that the stones in the ocean thrown by ram himself sink whereas the stones carrying the name of ram written on these floats. Only his name is immortal, whose karma is immortal. That is why karma is emphasized / focused more than anything else as that only goes with you and nothing else. Even a man who does immortal karma is mortal, as whosoever is born will die one day as destined unknown to us.

Naam can bring wonders and miracles in your life and it can impact transformation. Here naam is very deeper and wider in meaning and in its soul. It is all the values systems which are carried with it. There is all the goodness in the naam. Ram naam is immortal. It was there in all the times and will continue to be so.

सोरठा :

मुक्ति जन्म महि जानि ग्यान खान अघ हानि कर।
जहँ बस संभु भवानि सो कासी सेइअ कस न ॥

भावार्थ:-जहाँ श्री शिव-पार्वती बसते हैं, उस काशी को मुक्ति की जन्मभूमि, ज्ञान की खान और पापों का नाश करने वाली जानकर उसका सेवन क्यों न किया जाए?

Why not reside in Kåsi  (the modern Varanasi), the abode of  sambhu and Bhavåni  (Goddess Pårvati), knowing it to be the birthplace of Mukti (final beatitude), the mine of spiritual wisdom and the destroyer of sins?

* जरत सकल सुर बृंद बिषम गरल जेहिं पान किय।
तेहि न भजसि मन मंद को कृपाल संकर सरिस॥

भावार्थ:-जिस भीषण हलाहल विष से सब देवतागण जल रहे थे उसको जिन्होंने स्वयं पान कर लिया, रे मन्द मन! तू उन शंकरजी को क्यों नहीं भजता? उनके समान कृपालु (और) कौन है?

O stupid mind, how is it that you do not worship Him who drank off the deadly venom (churned out of the ocean of milk ), the very presence of which was burning all the host of gods? Who else is so merciful as Lord  sankara?


Shiva drank all the poison that came out from the sea when the sea got churned.Just like Shiva, we all faces the problems in our life when the situation is not favorable this is called (विशंपरिस्थिति) in hindi ,In this situation one should not lose patience, should not stop chanting or singing bhajans , lose devotions  or dedications.

we must pray Lord Shiva  as he very compassion  and very simple with unique quality that all  God pray Him. This is reasoning that Tulsidas ji remembered Shivji in the beginning of Kishkindakand  as Kashi and Vishwanath because the Lord of kashi in the form of monkey  will enter in this chapter . Shri Hanuman ji  is none other than Shiva Himself .

As Shivji is very compassion in our life if our family or friend is weak or committed a mistake then we need to be kind and compassionate towards them. We shouldn’t be scolded .In this situation we should try experiment close our eyes for a bit and its big surprise that this behavior allow the other person to do think and correct . This illustrate to be compassionate provide positive energy and it will be never ineffective . Hence lets develop good thoughts and provide other person to improve that finally result in our own effectiveness . jai Shriram