Kripa and Prem

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Today I came across a article and thought its so important in life to get get grace (Kripa). This can be received when we develop faith means love by adopting moral values a foundation values in our life . I will keep adding more perspective

आज मेरे सामने एक लेख आया और मैंने सोचा कि अनुग्रह (कृपा) प्राप्त करना जीवन में इतना महत्वपूर्ण है। यह तब प्राप्त किया जा सकता है जब हम अपने जीवन में नैतिक मूल्यों को एक आधारभूत मूल्यों को अपनाकर विश्वास का विकास करते हैं। मैं और परिप्रेक्ष्य जोड़ता रहूंगा

Kripa (कृपा) is the concept of divine grace in Hinduism. It is the central tenet of Bhakti Yoga and Bhakti movements, which are seen as reform movements in Hinduism as compared to the Hinduism which finds its origins in the Vedas; though variously it can mean “grace”, “mercy”, or “blessing”, depending upon the context. The Hindi word Kirpala from Sanskrit Kripala means “kind” and is used as a given name for males, while “Kripa” (Kṛpā), is used as a female given name.

Difference in Kripa and Love

Grace (Kripa) is the Divine’s Unconditional Love (Prem). Grace is a nature of the Divine. It is Love in its full potency. It is available to all souls and is not directed towards one particular soul.

अनुग्रह (कृपा) परमात्मा का बिना शर्त प्यार (प्रेम) है। अनुग्रह परमात्मा का स्वभाव है। यह प्रेम अपनी पूर्ण शक्ति में है। यह सभी आत्माओं के लिए उपलब्ध है और एक विशेष आत्मा की ओर निर्देशित नहीं है

Human Beings in most cases are not capable of bestowing grace as even the most expanded human beings have to apply some conditions to their love.

मनुष्य ज्यादातर मामलों में अनुग्रह प्रदान करने में सक्षम नहीं होते हैं क्योंकि सबसे अधिक विस्तारित मनुष्यों को भी अपने प्यार के लिए कुछ शर्तें लागू करनी पड़ती हैं।

Spiritual practices ask us to be loving because this practice of exercising our love even in adverse conditions creates a condition-less quality in our love. This “un-conditionality” in our love, in turn, makes us receptive to and deserving of Divine Grace. But the ultimate goal is Divine Grace.

आध्यात्मिक अभ्यास हमें प्यार करने के लिए कहते हैं क्योंकि विपरीत परिस्थितियों में भी हमारे प्यार का प्रयोग करने का यह अभ्यास हमारे प्यार में एक शर्त-रहित गुण पैदा करता है। हमारे प्रेम में यह “बिना शर्त” बदले में, हमें ईश्वरीय कृपा के प्रति ग्रहणशील और योग्य बनाता है। लेकिन अंतिम लक्ष्य ईश्वरीय कृपा है

Prem is the process and Kripa is the destination. प्रेम प्रक्रिया है और कृपा गंतव्य है।

प्रेम प्रक्रिया है और कृपा गंतव्य है। प्रेमका साधन” पुस्तकके “भगवान् की कृपा विश्वासमात्रसे प्राप्त होती है” लेखसे उद्धृत

जब हम भगवान् के होने जा रहे हैं तो पाप करनेका कोई प्रश्न आता ही नहीं। दुःख तो छूट ही जाने हैं। ये जो अपनी कमजोरी है भगवान् की कृपापर विश्वास न रहने की, इसको त्याग दें। मनसे इन वहम् को निकाल दें कि भगवान् की कृपा होनेपर भी हम बंधनमें रहेंगे और हम बहुत अच्छे होंगे तब कृपा होगी।

अच्छा-बुरा भगवान् की कृपा नहीं देखती है। भगवान् की कृपा तो यही देखती है कि ये कृपाको चाहता है कि नहीं। बस, फिर चाहे वह कोई हो, कैसा भी हो, उसका पूर्वका कुछ भी इतिहास हो, किसी जातिका हो, वर्णका हो, पुरुष हो, नारी हो, पुण्यात्मा हो, पापी हो, बस कृपा उसपर बरसेगी ही। और जिसपर कृपा भगवान् की बरसी उसके लिए क्या नहीं हो गया।

परम पूज्य “भाईजी” श्रीहनुमानप्रसादजी पोद्दार

Love is the process and grace is the destination. Excerpted from the article “God’s grace is received only by faith” in the book “Premka means”

When we are going to belong to God, there is no question of sinning. Sorrow has to be let go. This is your weakness of not having faith in the grace of God, discard it. Remove these illusions from mind that even if God’s grace is there, we will remain in bondage and if we will be very good, then there will be grace.

He does not see the grace of God, good or bad. Only God’s grace sees whether it wants grace or not. Just, no matter who it is, whatever it may be, whatever its past history, be it any caste, character, be it a man, a woman, a virtuous soul, a sinner, only grace will shower upon him. And what did not happen to the one on whom God’s blessings were showered

Significance of Kripa

Kripa is akin to similar beliefs prevalent in mysticism of all traditions. In Hinduism as well, the bestowal of divine grace or Kripa is considered an event which catapults a devotee or bhakta into a period of intense personal transformation leading to his Moksha.

Devotional or Bhakti literature available throughout India is replete with references to Kripa as the ultimate key towards realizing the spiritual path of self-realization  In fact, some like the ancient sage Vasistha, in his classical work Yoga Vasistha, considered it to be the only way to transcend the bondage of lifetimes of Karma. He states to Rama that divine grace or Kripa is the only way to help us go beyond the effects of Prarabdha karma, or collection of all the past KarmasSanchita karma chosen to experience during a lifetime.

The Hindu philosopher Madhvacharya held that grace was not a gift from God, but rather must be earned.[4]

As Krishna says to Arjuna in the final chapter of the Bhagavad GitaVerse 18.66, “Setting aside all meritorious deeds (Dharma), just surrender completely to My will (with firm faith and loving contemplation). I shall liberate you from all sins. Do not fear.”

Similarly, Adi Shankaracharya composes his famous verse Bhaja Govindam in 8th century, where he declares:

Bhajagovindam bhajagovindam
Govindam bhaja muudhamate
Sampraapte sannihite kaale
Nahi nahi rakshati dukrijnkarane..”
Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda,
Worship Govinda. Oh fool!
Rules of Grammar will not save you
At the time of your death.

The Skanda Purana mentions the grace of a Guru in various places, especially in the Uttarakhand, section Guru Strotram, known as Guru Gita, in the form of a dialogue between Shiva and Uma (Shakti):

“Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwara
Guru Sakshat Param Brahma
Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah”

“Dhyana Moolam Guru Murti.
Puja Moolam Gurur Padam,
Mantra Moolam Gurur Vakyam,
Moksha Moolam Guru Kripa”.

Remarks – I will continue to add more context from Ramayana – Sunderkand just few illustration will expand in upcoming blog

Chaupa :garura sumeru renu sama tahi, rama kripa kari chitava jahi.

ati laghu rupa dhareu hanumana, paitha nagar sumiri bhagwana.2.

Meaning: Hanuman assumed a very minute form and invoking Sri Rama entered the city. He ransacked every mansion and saw countless warriors here and there.

Chaupai: sunahu pavanasuta rahani hamari, jimi dasananhi mahu jibha bichari.

tata kabahu mohi jani anatha, karihahi kripa bhanukula natha.1.

Meaning: Hear, O son of the wind-god, how I am living here: my plight is similar to that of the poor tongue, that lives in the midst of the teeth. Will the Lord of the solar race, dear friend, ever show His grace to me

Chaupai:ajara amara gunanidhi suta hohu, karahu bahuta raghunayaka chohu.

karahu kripa prabhu asa suni kana, nirbhara prema magana hanumana.2.

Meaning: May you ever remain immune from old age and death and prove to be a store house of good qualities, my son; and may the Lord of the raghus shower His abundant grace on you. The moment the words May the Lord be gracious to you reached his ears Hanuman was utterly overwhelmed with emotion