My learning in 2020 (31 DECEMBER 2020)

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I believe the circumstance this year 2020  under which we have operated  has challenged many of us, but we have come through with positive outcomes and great achievements and opportunity spend time with our family  and keep our connection through online and h  taking personal responsibility to remain safe Hopefully the rollout of the COVID vaccines can provide optimism that some form of normality can be regained in 2021.

I would like to share my own experience  for  changes in my life in 2020  as reflection of your love and affection  as single most important factor to allow me growing spiritual  and mentally

Started writing blog –

 It was  on my  list of pending activating for  past 18 years  to read ,learn an adopt moral values from Ramayan . My  father  Ramratan ji had  in-depth   expertise on how to adopt  learning from Ramayan  in   our daily life. He also shared  many resources  Finally  I started reading  Ramayan and writing daily short morning message .I am thankful to few friends who suggested to save these thoughts in blog .  Main objective for writing  blog is to get some feedback to adopt learning in  my life . You can refer previous blog ..

Commitment to remain healthy   

I  was knowing for past 20 years for need to adopt daily exercise to help me  reduce weight to remain healthy . Each year when I go for daily health checkup then I get concern but  soon the priority to do daily exercise  goes back in pending list .Surely, I was lacking on my personal commitment . We had treadmill for almost 15 years, but it was used occasionally .  

My son Vinayak made a big influence in changing perception. He purchase me and my wife YMCA Gym membership  in 2018 and personally accompanied for few days and taught us  exercises .As he already  paid the fees and  hence to recover the cost we stared going to Gym .Since then we continued  some form of exercise. I also accompanied  Vinayak  trip to the  mountain of Machu Picchu trail for 4 days ( 50 miles  at height of 4,600m)

2020 year has totally changed my perception since Jun 2020 , I almost  walked /jog for 4000 KM ( 2500 miles ) .My challenge was to  maintain daily step counts around 20000  steps that require me  almost  to invest  minimum of  2.5 hours .  In the month of July, I joined step challenge  for my company   and almost did 1 million steps with average  of 30000 daily step . This challenge provided  contribution  $821   to Ekal Vidyalaya. Surly it’s not feasible  to repeat so many steps  on regular basis.

Marriage of our son Vinayak with Abigail  May  23/24 2020

We planned  for  wedding since Jan of  2019 and reserved the venue including  all other preparation . My daughter Kamna took role of event planner and invested many days .

We all went to India  for engagement  on Jan 20 , 2020 that was attended by 250  closed family and friend all around India .This was Abby’s first trip to India, and she enjoyed  entire stay .

We did all purchasing for wedding and close relatives started working on getting USA Visa Just within 4 weeks everything got changed ,COVID 19 declared as pandemic . All travel banned and remain safe was a priority .

It was hard decision,  but we decided to hold date and time that was decided  and prepared  for marriage with observing the safety  rules in our backyard (with tent and mandap). It was unique marriage as all decoration  was done by our family . All customs including Mehndi  was internally done without any professional by my wife Anita .So fortunate to get support from friends &  family who helped us on each aspect that we can’t forget in our lifetime  . Tesla car was driven  by  bride  for Bharat. We couldn’t get  local near by Priest  and lucky to get  Panditji  from St Louis ( 300 miles  or 500 KM). Most important we got new member in  Abby in our family.

 Evolution of Bhajan Group

March 16 , 2020  started new approach by 10 families  that   started  as online group for  reading Ramayana during Navratri .Since then we meet  every day for 1 hour without a break to  do bhajan , Sunderkand , Akhand Ramayan . Panditji from India joined to share the knowledge and leaning from  Sanatan dharma. Its really blessing to  talk to each other on daily basis and keep connected.

Ganesh and Durga Mata Celebrations at our home

As many of you know about  our Ganesh celebration each year for past 30 years . This year it was unique as we used zoom meeting to get family friends all around the world to participate in yearly event to continue our tradition.

For the first time in our life Durga Mata came to our home .!! We connected  again with our loving family and friends online  on Zoom for wonderful  Mata ki chouki  (  reciting Bhajan )  and  later on Ashtmi  Havan. Surely many friends and family helped us personally to make it success .


Surely there is lot to write and each one of you have experienced unique achievements . My daughter Kamna has started medical school and we couldn’t attend the white coat ceremony in person !!She did wonderful  like many others to get through virtual and practical course and exam . Yes, it has been completely changed perspective for all students around the world to learn online .My daughter Neha in  India completed her B .Pharm. My son Vinayak like many others health professionals helped patients to get through difficult times .Hence,  we all learned quickly  a new way of  online life to remain connected

 I  strongly believe that  when we make determination like Hanuman ji than we generate positive energy  to make impossible tasks  into reality .All  of us  is limited by our own thoughts and action to bring changes to our life .  Learning from Ramayana or any other religion  transform our insight   to  enhance  and adopt  good moral values to bring purpose and happiness in our life .

I get motivation from 2 songs

 (1) हम होंगे क़ामयाब एक दिन (Read more:

हम होंगे कामयाब, हम होंगे कामयाब हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन हो हो मन में है विश्वास पूरा है विश्वास हम होंगे कामयाब एक दिन.

 We shall overcome, We shall overcome ,We shall overcome some day
(2) आदमी चाहे तो तक़दीर ,बदल सकता है ,पूरी दुनिया की वो,तस्वीर बदल सकता है
(आदमी सोच तो ले) ,उसका इरादा क्या है ,ज़िन्दगी और बता …

Zindagi Aur Bata Tera Irada Kya Hai? Aadmi chahe to Taqdeer badal sakta hai,Poori Dunya ki wo Tasveer badal sakta hai,Aadmi soch to le, uska Iraada kya hai?, Zindagi Aur Bata Tera Iraada Kya Hai? Reference:

Finally Its God blessing and motivation  year after year  from all of you to  provide us  positivity in our life. Thanks, on believing and loving our family . We equally love you all with respect .It’s our honor to know you  all as our close family .We wish you happy  new year 2021 with  peace and prosperity in your life .