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Ram award Hanuman as best Sevak for selfless service and says

दोहा :

* सो अनन्य जाकें असि मति न टरइ हनुमंत।
मैं सेवक सचराचर रूप स्वामि भगवंत॥3॥

भावार्थ:-र हे हनुमान्! अनन्य वही है जिसकी ऐसी बुद्धि कभी नहीं टलती कि मैं सेवक हूँ और यह चराचर (जड़-चेतन) जगत् मेरे स्वामी भगवान् का रूप है॥3॥

भगवान् सब कुछ सहन कर सकते हैं लेकिन अपने भक्त का अपमान सहन नहीं करते, रामजी तो कहते हैं कि मैं तो संतो का दास हूँ, संत तो मैरे शीश पर रहते हैं।

श्री हनुमानजी इतने अभियान शून्य है, अपने बल का उपयोग अपने मान-अपमान के लिये कभी नहीं करते, बल का उपयोग भगवान् के कार्य के लिए करते हैं, और चूंकि हनुमानजी अभिमान शून्य है इसलिए प्रभु के प्रिय है, आप कोई झांकी ऐसी नहीं देखेंगे जो बिना हनुमानजी के हो, इसलिये किसी ने अच्छा गाया है कि “दुनिया चले न श्रीराम के बिना, रामजी चले ना हनुमान के बिना

English explanation

He is with no support who in his heart holds, With all firmness, O Hanuman, That he is the servant Shri Ram declares : ” O Hanuman ! I consider him to be exclusively devoted to Me, who has unwavering conviction that he is the servant and the Lord, who  manifests Himself  in the form of the entire animate and inanimate creation as his Master “.

Where does the name “Seva” come from? Seva (pronounced Say-Va) is a Sanskrit word meaning “selfless service to others” and came to represent for us the dream of relieving suffering and reducing poverty in the most effective ways possible

This illustration  referred  by Swami Sivanandaji Saraswati of Divine Life Society, on many occasions, referred  as  proven path (गुरु मंत्र ) with which Ramji gave award ( दीक्षा )to Hanumanji for service. For a devotee, ” being good ” is as much important as ” doing good. ” .This is another example that demonstrate that  importance of  service to community without gaining any recognition  like Hanuman remain entire life in service (SEVA) to Ram.

Another important parameter for success  for serving others is that we shouldn’t get the feeling of “I” did it as it dilute our intention to serve .

Service  not only limited to  forgiving & giving to not only the poor, sick & needy but also everyone around ; and maintaining in healthy / beautiful condition  everything around in  ecology & environment, inherited or developed by us.    In conclusion lets continue to  SERVE, LOVE,  GIVE  like Hanuman ji  shower his blessings  to make our life meaningful with our contribution to serve community or fellow colleague