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Kiran sister rightly wrote ” love needs sacrifice”. If we love someone means we are ready to do anything required for happiness for family or friend’s relationship. Sacrifice for each other makes us close to each other by strengthen our love and affection. Ramayan teaching beautifully lights on every aspects on how to improve our inner soul keep positivity .Lets learn today few more aspect, SWOT ANALYSIS , CONFIDENCE ,FORGIVENESS,NEVER CONSIDER ANYONE INFERIOR

SWOT analysis ( strength , Weakness , Opportunity and Threats )

SWOT -Essential  tool to plan and take appropriate  decision .  Lets understand why Hanuman ji is called Management Guru . After he landed at Lanka, Hanuman thought that he  need to figure out how to find Sitaji. If he enter Lanka with his  original body, Rakshash ( Demons) find me easily and fight with me. Hanuman ji didn’t afraid of fighting with demons but his first objective was search Sita ji .Hence Hanumanji decided to reduce  his body and wait until night so that everybody sleeps and  his search would be easy.

Learnings from SWOT

Do not jump into execution before thinking or planning how to do it. Even for unknown outcomes, use your brain and environment how could you accomplish the task.

Once mentally prepared for the job, first thing which Hanuman did after reaching Lanka was to do a complete analysis of the situation. He did a complete study about the Lankans, assessing their strengths and weaknesses, the various threats and opportunities which he had in the enemy’s camp.

In my own experience when I start without execution than it results in lot of rework . This is also true in writing computer program code or any artwork related job . Good planning and then executing understanding overall situation is MUST to gain success.

Boost the confidence (आत्मविश्वास)Ekal ke Ram’ – A Performance by Dr. Kumar Vishwas – 3rd January 2021 .

Dr. Kumar Vishwas brought new perspective  on learning from  Ram ji, how to boost the confidence (आत्मविश्वास) of Vibhisan /Sugreev to become King . He also narrated that in any difficulty in our life, we should  seek Shriram in our heart to help us develop self-confidence.  Ram ji never said in entire Ramayan that  he is the God rather demonstrated  how a person with strong moral character can live ideal life.  Complete  talk   of  Dr. Kumar Vishwas’s talk

Forgiveness Is Greater Than Revenge

Ravana kidnapped Sitaji to take revenge on her sister Suparnakha. Ravan was a well-versed and knowledgeable king. However, the feeling of revenge cost him his life.

Therefore, we need to adopt a forgiving nature because revenge and punishment do not produce any good.

In our life we  also observe that revenge in family result in strained relations  and sometime permanent loss of association .Why invest time to remember what bad someone has done to us as this  increases each other’s stress level .The most important Life lessons to learn from Ramayana is keeping a mindset of forgiveness brings peace and harmony

Never consider anyone inferior

Lord Ram took the help of Vanar sena (monkey army) to build a bridge (Ram Setu) so that he could reach Lanka to free Sita. The little monkeys not just helped him build the setu but also took part in the war against Ravana. What does this demonstrate ” RAMJI COULD HAVE DONE THIS ALONE  BUT HE WANTED TO PROVIDE US AN EXAMPLE THAT  EVERYONE IN HIS ARMY HAS IMPORTANT ROLE TO PLAY “.

Hence in our life don’t discount and  treat people inferior just because of  less knowledge , money , strength . This is very easy  for anyone to find faults in others and conclude them  as inferior  but it’s very hard to involve them and treat with respect that one day they will able to pay back to you to assist in our journey .

In  today’s context this inequality is also meaningful to link with “BLACK LIFE MATTERS” .Every has same blood that’s important to run the life than why  divide the society just because of wealth or other parameters ? Let’s follow learning from Ramayana to involve everyone to build community  as each one will be helpful to each other in some way  to get final success in our life to cross ocean to find Sita ji ( bhakti ) in our heart . Always count on our blessings and remains happy

Comments – Mahesh GuptaWe need to make a strong resolve in our heart that we will treat everyone with honor and fairness irrespective of person’s mental, social and economical status, especially if that person in in in conflict with you and does not treat you well. Shri Shirdi wale Sai baba is a great example to follow.

Kiran GuptaLord Shivji also kept all the handicap  personality with in his marriage to Mata Pravati ji  This demonstrate that we should be polite and respect  everyone” 

Shilpa Deshpande “We should not count anybody or anything inferior than us. Rather hold a hand who need a support from us and who is the good example for us.”

Rashmi Gupta Discussed important point that we should  treat equally to man and women ( housewife or professional).


Truth always wins, regardless of how vicious or deadly lie is. The win of right over wrong is a universal truth. A person needs to have a noble heart and desirable values. Let’s  not look for short success that may require to sacrifice our moral values  and fear will remain for not making right judgments. We all limited by our own thoughts and action but if we think and act then improvements  will come in our life .Just reading and writing this or many other messages doesn’t result  change in our approach  until we digest the thoughts and incorporate in our daily life.