USA New beginning – jan20, 2021

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United States has great history that demonstrated to entire world peace and best place to perceive our dream that allowed people to come across many country to come and live in USA

Recent Small groups of right-wing protesters — some of them carrying rifles — gathered outside heavily fortified Capital violence that broke out at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, when far-right Trump supporters galvanized by his false claims that the election had been stolen from him overran the police and bashed their way into the building while Congress was certifying the Electoral College vote. The attack left a Capitol police officer and four others dead. More than 300 people have been arrested over the insurrection. This incident surely tarnish our image all around the world .It will take time to regain the confidence in our country .

Jan 20, 2021 will bring new hope , at noon, Joe Biden will take the oath of office and become the 46th president of the US. Kamala Harris, too, will take the oath as vice-president, and make history as the first woman—and the first Black and Asian American one—to do so.

Wisdom Vs wickedness

I wanted to share important teaching that my dad (Respected Ramratan ji ))explained in his last day to all our family members to remain united with good thoughts then we all will get prosperity If we all become selfish and don’t bother for each other than we will not be happy . My dad had developed great knowledge for learning from Ramayana and used to share with community and us how to develop good thought process .He explained this from quote from Ramayana जहाँ सुमति तहँ संपति नाना-Jahan sumati tahan sampati nana, jahan kumati tahan vipatti nidhana’

This is exactly could avoid the type of violence we observed if everyone observe good thought process to build strong moral character .

Lets learn from this saying in Hindi and English

इस दोहे का अर्थ (जहाँ सुमति तहँ संपति नाना meaning in hindi) इस प्रकार है- सुमति सम्पन्न व्यक्ति में सत्यता, ईमानदारी, करुणा, धार्मिकता, प्रेमभाव, आस्तिकता और विश्वास जैसे सद्गुणों का जन्म होता है. तथा वह व्यक्ति अन्य इंसानों में भी सम्मान का पात्र बन जाता हैं. उसके व्यवहार एवं आचरण के आगे सभी को झुकना पड़ता हैं.

जहाँ सुमति तहाँ सम्पति नाना; जहाँ कुमति तहाँ बिपति निदाना).का अर्थ (‘‘Jahan sumati tahan sampati nana, jahan kumati tahan vipatti nidhana’’)

जिस व्यक्ति में सुमति है उसमें प्यार एवं स्नेह की धारा अनवरत रूप से प्रवाहित होती रहती हैं. साथ ही उसमें आत्मविश्वास, श्रद्धा व आस्था जैसे मानवीय गुणों का विकास होता हैं. वह निरंतर अपने कार्यों में सफलता अर्जित करता रहता हैं. इस तरह का व्यक्ति स्वहित को एक तरफ रखकर लोकहित तथा लोक भलाई के कर्म करता है ऐसे इन्सान में दूरदर्शिता के गुणों का भंडार होता है इसलिए इस तरह के व्यक्ति भविष्य में घटित घटना को पूर्व में ही पता कर अंजाम के लिए तैयारी कर लेते हैं. सुमति सम्पन्न व्यक्ति में संतोष एवं तृप्ति के भावों की प्रधानता रहती हैं.

इस तरह के व्यक्ति का चरित्र सरिता की भांति होता है जो अपनी सीमा एवं मर्यादा में चलते हुए लोगों के कल्याण का कार्य करते हैं. मर्यादा एवं संयम की सीमा उनमें तभी विद्यमान हो सकती है जब वह उंच नीच, अच्छा बुरा, अपना पराया आदि अनुचित बातों पर ध्यान न दे. जिस प्रकार एक सरिता अपनी मर्यादा को तोड़कर लोगों के जन जीवन को अस्त व्यस्त कर बाढ़ का कारण बनती हैं. ठीक इसी प्रकार एक बुद्धिहीन व्यक्ति पूरे समाज का अहित करता हैं.

तथा समाज के विनाश का कारण बनता हैं. जिस तरह बाढ़ के दवाब को कम करने के लिए उसके पानी को विभिन्न धाराओं में बहाया जाता है उसी प्रकार व्यक्ति को समाज हित के विभिन्न कार्यों की ओर आकृष्ट कर देने मे ही भलाई हैं. चूँकि इन्सान में बौद्धिकता का गुण है इस कारण उसके पास विश्लेषणात्मक शक्ति का अथाह भंडार है जिसके चलते वह एक से अनेक करने के स्वभाव को परिणित करता है तथा यही से मानव की बौद्धिकता पाप की हेतु बनना आरम्भ हो जाती 

Meaning in English

(Sunder Khand reference Doha 40)– Context – Ravan’s younger brother Vibhishan was trying to convince Ravan to give back Sita ji to Ram ji , but he didn’t listen good advice that could have saved his entire family and avoid war with Ram .Tulsidas Das explain – “Jahan Sumati, Tah Sampati Nana ; Jahan Kumati Tah Vipati Nidana”.( जहाँ सुमति तहाँ सम्पति नाना; जहाँ कुमति तहाँ बिपति निदाना).
Let’s try to understand in detail the meaning on how we can use this principle in our life

(1).Jahan Sumati, Tah Sampati Nana” means where is love, affection, friendly attitude, cooperation; there is wealth, Laxmi, prosperity, victory and wellness
In an ideal family in which ‘sumati’ (good sense) prevails, there is mutual faith, love and understanding among its members. Sharing joys and sorrows, together they go to prayers, discuss problems openly and churn the best solutions, go to tasks with singing heart and display sense of sympathy and service towards sick and disabled members. Such a family is an epitome of goodness and a source of emulation for the society because there is peace, prosperity, plenty and well-bonded kinship among the members based on moral principles. Aged feel contented because they are cared and consulted. Members in their mid and bread winners are full of pride in themselves for they receive all the admiration they deserved. Young develop full personality with sense of responsibility and self-confidence.

(2) “Jahan Kumati Tah Vipati means Where is quarrel, hate, unfriendly attitude, non-cooperation; there is poverty, troubles, defeat, illness and many difficulties.
A family afflicted by ‘kumati’ (wickedness) is ruled by selfish-motives, estranged relationships and mutual distrust
. Its members fall prey to irresponsibility, delusion and desperations. Instead of looking at and overcoming their own shortcomings, they scold and quarrel with their fate. Some of them take to crimes and addictions. Elderly and ailing die much early before their death is due or are turned out rendering them destitute due to lack of sympathy and consideration. Earning hands are selfish and silly. They take away lion’s share of their earnings for themselves in disregard to their commitments and obligations towards their dependents. Such people indulge in excessive sensual pleasures, gambling and addictions. Thus needs of other family members remain unmet particularly those of the children. Their young develop inferiority complex for they feel helpless, unwanted and dejected. Having been left in lurch, they fail to develop full


Wisdom constitutes right line of thinking that leads to righteousness. It sanctifies. Wisdom enriches and enlightens our vision. It has to be developed and nurtured through constant care, self-discipline and self-purification. By remaining in the reckoning of the Almighty for the sake of placidity, we must invariably seek His benevolence for the perpetuity of prudence for He is the Omnipotent and the Repository of all the virtues.

It’s so important that we remain united to stand together with friends and family else our individual self-center approach will divide us and result in unhappiness in life. Lets develop strong moral character to avoid us doing anything wrong and guide is to right path in our life .

Jan 20 , 2020 is also significant to my family as we all went to India to get my son Vinayak and Abby’s engagement that was attended by all friends and relatives . This remain as memory in our heart as marriage on May 23 due to COVID was successful executed in our backyard .